Page 11 of Sound and Deception
“Well, that was blunt.” Uncomfortable burning rose in my cheeks, and I casually covered the lower half of my face with one hand. I felt stupid having the same physical reaction I always did at the memory.
“Yeah. Sorry.” He shrugged. “I guess I just wanted to get it out of the way. I know it’s a sore spot, and once again, I’m really sorry.”
I looked down, considering, and then up again. “It was just a humiliating experience for me. I was … upset … for a very long time afterward. You know how it is, the more you don’t want to think about something, the more you think about it. After all, the last thing I expected was my boyfriend deserting me when we’d decided we were ready…”
Noah winced. “That wasn’t my intention by any means. I think I panicked. Actually, IknowI panicked.”
Panicked.That would never have occurred to me. In 2.4 seconds, he’d added a wrinkle to an incident I’d always considered pretty straight forward. Not that it still didn’t hurt. I’d put some candles around the hotel room, and picked a negligee I thought was sexy to my 17-year-old brain.
“Well, hello there, old friends!” A huge voice bounced around the restaurant and landed at our table. Other voices followed behind Jay, creating a barely subdued chaos. Chairs and tables screeched against the long-abused floor, and I found myself in an influx of too many roaming bodies. Perfume, cologne, breath mints, and fried fish fought for dominance in the small space.
“Hey there, stranger!” Someone pulled me into a side hug, and I caught a glimpse of laughing hazel eyes, and crooked incisors. Mike, the mechanic, with his partner since kindergarten, Allison, standing just behind him. She offered a tight smile, and I wondered how it felt to be married to the island mechanic, instead of the professional athlete he was supposed to have been, if not for a bum knee. Their story was kind of a cliché, admittedly, but not untrue.
“Hey.” My low response lost its way in the throng of people that overwhelmed our one small table. It occurred to me that most faces were familiar, but I couldn’t remember half of their matching names. The sudden knowledge weighed heavy inside.
I now sat on the receiving end of numerous shoulder or back pats, a couple more awkward hugs, and one borderline painful nuggie. Across the table, Noah sat stiff, face caught between a smile and a grimace.
“Dude, it’s not Saturday night.” He raised his voice, motioning to Jay. “It’s Friday, last I checked.”
Jay shrugged. “Charlie is heading to Seoul tomorrow, remember? So, we rescheduled. I guess you, Mr. DJ, didn’t get the memo. What’s up withthat?”
Charlie, the man of the hour who used to follow my brother around like a duckling, slipped through all the other bodies like smoke, and placed Noah in a friendly headlock. “All those times I let you cheat off me in trig and this is how you repay me.”
“I seem to remember it being the other way around, you turd.”
“Close enough!” He released Noah, gave him a good-natured shove, and turned bright green eyes on me. “Jeremy’s little sister! How you been?”
I smiled and nodded, wondering what the likelihood of me slipping away without detection might be. “Good. On the move a lot.”
“Yeah?” He reached over and helped himself to a packet of crackers. “I guess those days are over, huh? I hear you’re taking over your grandmother’s place.”
“I don’t—” I opened my mouth to clear the air, but shut it a second later. The buzz of voices left the subject without pause, as if it were already a done deal.
“Hey! Last I checked, this was a table for two!” Dani returned, her voice powered by a huge personality, if not actual physicality. “You! All of you! Give Klahanie and Noah a few square inches to breathe! Seriously! What the hell, people?”
“Chill, Tinker Bell!” Dean something or other laughed
“You be careful. This fairy bites!” And she bit him on the bicep, just like that. He let out a howl before pulling her against him.
“You should save that for later, sweetheart.”
She bit him again before smiling at me. “We got married two years ago, so you’ll have to excuse these flagrant displays of toddler behavior.”
“Duly noted and congratulations. I think.” Dean …Kilcommons. That’s who it was. He’d famously attempted to swim to the next island, and had gotten about three quarters of the way before pulling the plug when a pod of Orcas got a little curious. Lucky for him, his dad had been following in their 35-foot cabin cruiser.
“What we need here, is some beer!” Another male voice pointed out.
Noah met my gaze from across the table, and mouthed the word “sorry.” To his credit, he really did look apologetic that our evening of catch-up had been derailed. I couldn’t decide if it was fortuitous or not, at this point.
Chapter Eleven
“Well, folks, here’s the latest episode of island gossip, I mean, news. Silly me. Rumor has it that Bobby and Jessica Travers are expecting kiddo number three. Congratulations on another hole in one, you two! Tammy Corning, our own wonderful crazy cat lady, has arrived back from the mainland with number seven, a cute little tabby called Rothchild. With a name like that, he’s going to be demanding room service, but I’m pretty sure Tammy is already prepared for that. Fred Ramirez, yes,thatFred Ramirez of the spectacular bench-pressing a cow legend, which has never been completely debunked now that I think about it, is getting married! He and his live in love, Becky, have finally decided to make it official. Congrats to them! Lastly, on the people front, I’d also like to congratulate my own generation of knuckleheads for likely scaring our resident cryptid, Klahanie Bishop, back into hiding. Way to go, weenies! I’m kidding of course, guys. Mostly.
Anyway, onward! I happen to have in my hot not-so-little-hands, the lineup for this weekend’s festivities, as well as some of the homemade offerings sure to give an early kickstart to the elastic waistband season. Brighty Newton, with her bees’ blessing, is making her yearly appearance with some of the best honey on the planet. Seriously. You need to grab a jar before they’re all snapped up. I also happen to know that Mrs. Alice Mahoney will be selling a ton of baked goods, including her famous black-bottom cupcakes, and, as per usual, all proceeds will go to the care of her pot belly pigs, Wilbur and Rosie. Mac and Katie Powers will be rolling out the food wagon around with a delicious selection of bratwurst, BBQ sandwiches, corn dogs, hush puppies, and who knows what else, so show up with an empty stomach. As for gifting, George and Wilmenette Cooper will be selling hand carved bowls and statues, Tiny Hedgewell will be showcasing his amazing paintings and other artistic endeavors, Joanie Klemp will have a full display of gorgeous handmade jewelry, Georgie and George will offer all things lavender, Ms. Reba Raymond will be touting some adorable harvest, as well as Christmas décor, and don’t forget, Tyrone Bennigan will have some impressive furniture pieces he’s been working on all year. And of course, there will be music, supplied by yours truly.
Oh, and by the way, Dr. Heaton and company over at the clinic are sending out a reminder for those of you procrastinating over your flu shot. You know who you are. Just do it, like Nike. Getting the flu sucks.
The DJ moved on with “All Over the World,” by Electric Light Orchestra.