Page 41 of Sound and Deception
Chapter Forty-Four
Hi everyone.
This is, uh, Dean … Dean Kilcommons, stepping in for Noah today by his request.
The island suffered a tragedy yesterday. Details are, well, almost non-existent, but we do know a structural collapse killed Jay Patterson, and injured Klahanie Bishop. It’s amazing, but she somehow managed to dig herself out and is now under Dr. Heaton’s care. We’re not sure, but it sounds like he may have to send her to the mainland for further treatment. Of course, we’re not sure of anything.
I’ll try to keep you all informed when, and if, I get any more information. Otherwise, I guess the station is going dark for a bit. Just temporarily, I’m sure.
Well, um, stay safe out there everyone, and I’m going home to hug my wife.
Chapter Forty-Five
I’d been sure the whole thing with Jay had been a nightmare. It had to have been. A childhood friend couldn’t have tried to murder me. The dark truth just didn’t seem possible. But when I opened my eyes to slivers of too-bright light and the smell of disinfectant, reality managed to sink past the murk in my brain.
I shut my eyes again, and hoped unconsciousness would slide back over me.
“Klahanie.” A woman’s voice prodded me, her voice gentle.
“Yeah.” The word came out in a reluctant croak, but it was enough. I kept my eyes closed. Shoving away the outside world felt enticing.
“Klahanie? Honey? I know you feel terrible, but let me get Dr. Heaton.”
I thought about issuing the little croak again, but didn’t bother. Her persistence irritated me, but a moment later a familiar voice filled my head, and forced me to peek through my lashes. My childhood doctor swam into focus, his expression filled with relief. “Welcome back, kiddo. You’ve had quite the night.”
“That’s a way to put it.” In my head, the words stuck together like gum, and I couldn’t be positive I’d articulated any of them.
He rolled his stool over, had a seat, and regarded me with frank appraisal. “If what I’m told is true, and I think it is, you’re a pretty amazing young woman.”
“I think … ‘stubborn’ might be the word you’re looking for.”
He chuckled, but it sounded strained, and he sobered. “There are some folks that want to talk to you, Klahanie. I’m not about to let them in just yet, but they’ll be pushing soon. The fact that I removed a three-inch punch knife from your thigh, and Jay Patterson—”
Memory and panic rolled over me, and I cut him off. “Is he dead?”
Dr. Heaton gazed at me for a few long moments, while I stared back, eyes wide. I started to tremble and pulled in a deep breath in an attempt to steady myself. I regretted it when the pain in my side made me gasp.
“Yes, he is.” His expression appeared calm and compassionate, but something else brooded. He patted my hand. “He did this to you.”
It wasn’t a question, so I didn’t bother to answer.
“There have been some people in my waiting room for…” He rose and looked at his watch. “About seventeen hours now. I can’t allow you to host a party in here, but I know your grandmother and aunt would appreciate a few minutes, but only if you’re up to it.”
I nodded, and closed my eyes. I needed to see Noah. He’d be ripping himself to pieces.
The door opened, and closed, as Dr. Heaton rustled out. Less than two minutes later, I heard the door again, and opened my eyes.
Gram appeared first, still in her chair, a brace encasing her leg, instead of plaster. Sunny was right behind her. Both ladies appeared to have aged a full decade each, and my heart hitched in pain. “Hi, Gram. Aunt Sunny.”
The greeting hung in the air, normal in a sea of chaos. “Don’t cry. I’m okay.”
Sunny had started to weep the moment they’d stepped into my room. To my surprise and horror, Gram began to cry when I opened my mouth to speak. She’d always been the tough one. The only time I remembered her actively crying was at my parents’ funeral. I reached out with one hand. “Please don’t.”
My aunt kissed the top of my head, leaving a few tears behind, and Gram sandwiched my hand in hers, rubbing lightly.
“I was so scared, Klahanie.” Gram gazed at me, tears streaming. “I was so afraid I’d lost you, too.”
“I’m okay, Gram. I’m fine.” Well, maybe okay or fine wasn’t the word, but I was alive. I looked between the two of them, past them, and back again. “Is Noah here?”