Page 75 of Hometown Heartbreakers: Sunkissed
We waited to see if anybody else came out of the trees, and when we thought it was clear, we joined him in that field. Dressed in dark fatigues, tan T-shirts, black hats, and carrying multiple guns, I could see why he looked nervous.
“I want to make a deal with you. I’ll let you live if you tell me what you did with my mother’s body,” I said to him.
“I know who you are. You’re that fagot’s brother. I’m supposed to kill you tomorrow,” he responded.
“Or you can kill me today,” I challenged.
“I’m a businessman. I stick to my rules, though you killed my men, so I’ll shoot you, too.”
“You should. It’s not like I have much to live for, anyway. You’ve taken everybody from me.”
“I had fun doing it, too,” he joked.
Wrong thing to say. I shot him in his knee, making him fall to the ground and off the tree. He aimed at me, but Russell hit him in the head with the butt of his gun. Dazed, Slim dropped his gun and Russell retrieved it.
“Where’s my mother?” I asked again.
“Who cares? She’s dead, right? And now you don’t have to pay for a fucking funeral. Not like you can afford it since your brother gave me all of your money.” He laughed, making another joke.
I shot his other knee and watched him scream. “You have horrible jokes. The more you tell, the more you get shot. Tough crowd, right?”
“That bitch is long gone. Another unknown mystery in the water. I’m not giving you the satisfaction of knowing where she is. If you’re going to kill me, just do it all fucking ready!”
I shot him in his shoulder and waited a minute before I shot him in his other one.
“Slim…” That was all I heard coming from the trees before Russell shot the unknown person with Slim’s gun. He fired more shots in that direction until there were no movements at all.
I looked back at Slim and blood was coming from everywhere. Careful not to get chicken guts on my shoes, I moved closer so that I could look him in the eye.
“Mother and Father, this is for you.” I fired two shots directly into Slim’s head.
“Let’s go,” Adam ordered.
Russell checked to make sure that Slim was dead. Satisfied, he put Slim’s gun back into his hand, making it look like he’d shot his own man by accident.
I looked down into my gloved hand at the gun I was holding. It was the one I’d taken from Jeremy’s apartment. I knew it was his because it was the one that my father had purchased for him when he taught him how to shoot. I’d used it to deliver justice for my parents. And it was going to be the evidence found here at the scene to put my brother away for a long time.
Our alibi would only work for longer. Saying a prayer for forgiveness, I joined my crew as we ran back the way we came. Back at the truck, we got in, and Adam drove us back to our destination.
“Russell, you okay?” Tim spoke up.
“I just need to get home. My girl will get me settled.” He was unsettled, but he’d be okay. He had PTSD from time served in the military. The shots had stirred something.
I felt bad, but he insisted on being present to avenge his brother. He’d gotten mixed up with Slim, too.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get him to her in plenty of time,” Adam promised.
They dropped Tim and me back at the farm before Adam sped off. Tim and I got cleaned up before I got into my truck and went home. We had said little to each other, but what else needed to be said? We’d hunted chickens and came home empty-handed. That was how this job was supposed to be. And god given, I never wanted to hunt another fucking chicken for the rest of my days. A first and a last.
When I got home, Michelle was there waiting for me in bed. We’d gotten rid of her room at the bed-and-breakfast so that I could enjoy her for the rest of her time in North Carolina. She was fast asleep, and instead of waking her up, I got undressed and wrapped around her. She nestled in, pulling me into her bubble of safety. I fell asleep, but dreams evaded me. I slept peacefully, sure of my actions.
No, I hadn’t gotten what I wanted, but I’d avenged my family, and there was something right about that. No, I didn’t promote murder, but slimeballs like him got away with it all the time. Not anymore. I’d deal with the consequences of my actions at the gates when it was my time to die. I prayed for forgiveness and hoped for mercy, but for now, I was going to hold my woman and sleep.
“Iknow I should have talked to you first, but Donovan is a good guy, and he’s going to help us make some moves at the farm. He does multiple types of design work and has a team that can help your remodel’s cost to be lower. Donovan said he can meet us today, and he’s going to drive down to see what he can do to help. He’s bringing his wife with him too. Kayleena is sweet. I think you’ll like them.”
I groaned, and she kissed me. I was in a mood. Apparently, when the police had stormed Jeremy’s apartment, he wasn’t there. I knew that before I went “hunting”. What bothered me was that they still couldn’t find him. We’d spoken to the police and given them a statement. One that included his confession about my parents, but I had no clue where he could be.