Page 4 of Worth the Fight
She sucks me slowly, not this frantic rhythm most of the clubwhores have. She’s enjoying this as much as I am. I grip her hair, and she moans, the vibration sending a jolt of sensation through every inch of my dick.
“Fuck,” I groan, my cum coating her throat without warning.
She swallows and licks the head of my dick, swirling her tongue across the sensitive skin. I pull the blindfold down, and Taylor stares up at me. I shove her back and scramble to button my jeans.
“What the fuck did you just do?”
“Oh that? Well, I sucked your dick until you came in my mouth.”
I snatch my shirt off the bed and tug it on. “I thought you were someone else.”
“I know. I should’ve?”
“You shouldn’t have done a fucking thing, Taylor!” I yell. “This isn’t happening between us! You’re a damn kid!”
“Yeah? Well, your dick disagrees!” she screams and storms out.
He definitely disagrees, but for once, I can’t think with him. I promised Carson and Lina I would protect Taylor. Not ruin the last bit of innocence she may have.
Ifight back the shame that washes over me and do what I’ve always done?pretend nothing happened. All the nights I lay there while some stranger fucked me, I pretended it wasn’t real. If I could convince myself of that, I could survive.
But I want what happened with Christian to be real. I want him to look at me the way he looks at the other women here. Fuck that. I want him to look at me the way Jake looks at Skylar. The way Hunter looks at Allie. Why do they get to have what I can’t?
Christian walks through the clubhouse and straight out the door. Moments later, his engine roars to life, and he leaves. Not exactly what I had planned. I thought he’d realize we have something. Not remind me of our age difference. Not make me feel like shit for making a move.
“Want to tell me what that was all about?” Allie asks.
I shrug. “I gave him a blow job, and he’s freaking out about it.”
“Damn, girl. What part about giving him some time didn’t you understand?”
She isn’t scolding me. Just giving me solid advice. It isn’t her fault I have no intention of taking it. I know my body is something I can use. The least I can do is use it tomybenefit this time.
“In all seriousness, I do think Munsey cares about you, but if you push him, it’ll backfire.”
“All men like blow jobs.”
She giggles. “This is true, but I get the feeling he wasn’t as willing as you’re putting on.”
I shrug again. “He was blindfolded.”
“Lina told me people took advantage of you. You hated that, right? Well, you just did the same exact thing to Munsey. Don’t try to trick him. Be honest with him.”
That thought is very sobering. It wasn’t my intention to take advantage of him. I only wanted him to see that we have chemistry. That there’s something between us, and we shouldn’t keep denying it.
I did the only thing I knew how to do. I used my body, even though not once has Christian behaved like he wanted it. In fact, he’s been adamant he doesn’t.
What have I done? I may have pushed him further away.
Istand at Carson’s headstone. This is a place I come to often, but no matter how many times I’m here, nothing changes. He’s still gone, and I let him die.