Page 22 of Psycho
“You’re going to get changed, we’ll go for a drink, talk a little, and then I’ll bring you home.”
“I can’t stay out too late. Tomorrow is my first day at work.”
“That’s fine. Just one drink… to celebrate.”
“Would you like to come in and wait while I get changed?”
“I’ll be fine out here.” Before I have time to close the door, he’s pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and I take note that he’s not wearing his club cut this evening.
Rushing up the stairs, I throw on my best jeans and off the shoulder jumper. I’ve never been one to wear make-up, but tonight, I apply a healthy coat of mascara, spray myself with my favourite perfume, and let my hair down. Grabbing my purse on my way down the stairs from the banister, I rush over to turn off the TV and head for the door.
Once outside, I find him leaning against the house, staring up the street. For a moment, I stand there and watch him, wondering what has his attention while taking in the tattoos creeping up his neck from under his shirt collar, and make out the insignia for his club. I tried my best not to stare at him yesterday, so I missed just how many tattoos he has visible.
I close the door with a little more force than necessary to pull his attention away from whatever it is he’s so enthralled with. Locking up, I turn around to find him on his feet, staring straight at me.
My ex, Callum, had tattoos, but only a few, and they weren’t all that impressive. Louis’s, though, look quite interesting.
“I thought we could walk. Your local isn’t far,” he suggests, and I nod. Being in the car with him again won’t do a thing to bring down my blood pressure.
Crossing my arms over my chest, we set off, and I inhale his aftershave.
After a few moments, he offers, “By the way, congratulations on the job,” and I smile.
I can’t stop smiling today.
“Thank you. I can’t wait to start tomorrow.”
“How long have you been a hairdresser?”
“Since I left college.”
We walk the rest of the way in silence to The Grey Dog. Though it’s just a couple of streets over from my house, I’ve never been inside. Opening the door for me, I step through, wait for him to walk ahead of me, and follow him to a table on the far side of the room. When I’m seated, he asks what I would like to drink.
I shouldn’t really drink tonight, but screw it. “White wine, please.”
While he’s at the bar, I take a look around. The place is done up in wood panelling, soft chairs, and a roaring fire in the hearth. A few locals are drinking their pints and chatting quietly by a group of lads playing pool off in a side room. It’s actually really nice.
My eyes fall on Louis as he walks back with our drinks, and I again inhale his aftershave as he sits down opposite of me, thinking how strange this is. Two days ago, I was in prison, talking with Lexi in my cell, and now I’m here in a pub with her brother.
I have no idea what to say, so I wait for him to start up the conversation.
“So, Carla was okay?”
“Yes. She was so nice. Your sister has done so much for me—”
“Let’s move on from my sister,” he cuts in. “You’ve got a job, and I hear that’s what you need to get your son back?”
Lexi obviously shared my story with him. I shouldn’t be surprised; he is her brother.
“It is. I’m going to see him this Saturday, and I can’t wait.”
“Is he your only child?”
“Where’s his dad?”
I guess Lexi didn’t tell him everything.