Page 52 of Psycho
Chapter Fifteen
She’s been quiet since we left the clubhouse. In fact, she’s been too quiet since she went to the bathroom. I clocked Crystal following her in and leaving before her with a wicked smirk on her fucking face.
Every time I look at Evie, she looks away, but not fast enough that I don’t see the questions burning in her eyes.
The longer her silence continues, the harder I fight to keep my calm. The kid has so many fucking questions, it keeps the silence from becoming unbearable.
It’s obvious that Crystal said something, and I’m counting down the minutes till we’re alone and I can ask what was said.
We eat our pizza in silence and order ice-cream for dessert, per Thomas’s request. The second he’s finished and dropping his spoon into the bowl, I’m paying the bill and ushering them both out to the car.
Thomas soon falls asleep in the back, but I keep my mouth shut. I want the boy in his bed and her full attention on me when I start digging to find out what has her like this.
I go to carry him up to his room when I park up outside her house, but she waves me away and takes him up herself. All I can do is sit my arse on her couch while I listen to her move around upstairs. Digging my lighter out of my pocket, I flick the wheel and watch the small flame just to distract myself.
Waving my finger through the heat, I feel nothing. Flipping the lid shut, I flick it open again and spark the flame back to life.
When Evie eventually comes down, she hovers in the doorway, looking nervous. That shit annoys the fuck out of me.
She’s going to ask me to leave, I know she is, so I get in there before she does.
“What did Crystal say to you?”
She finally meets my eyes for more than three seconds, but she doesn’t say a fucking word.
“I’ve always been honest with you. Tell me what she said, because I know she said something. You’ve been acting shifty ever since I saw the two of you leave the bathroom.
She walks into the room and sits on the armchair.
“She was wondering how someone like me got the attention of Psycho, and warned me that you get off on hurting people.” She bites down on her bottom lip. “Is that true? I haven’t asked you much about what you do, but I think it’s time I should now.”
Snapping my lighter shut, I go and sit on the coffee table, getting as close to her as I can without touching her.
“First off, Crystal shouldn’t have opened her mouth. And second, she doesn’t know a fucking thing about me.” She’s certainly going to pay for talking shit, I can promise that. “Meeting you has brought me to life. You get me hard, Evie. So fucking hard, it’s painful.”
“So you don’t hurt people?”
I decide to tell her things that’ll put her at ease, while keeping the dark shit away from her.
“I make good money with the club. I’m the Enforcer, and I’m good at it. And I’m even better at my… side job.”
“Which is?”
“Bad people pay me to hurt even worse people.”
“Do you… get off on it?”
“I feel nothing,” I lie.
She wouldn’t be able to handle the truth and still want to be with me. I lie because the need I have for her outweighs a life without her.
“It’s just something I do for money, and a lot of it. But again, that part of my life will have nothing to do with you or Thomas.”
She turns away, but I grab her chin, forcing her to look at me. Seconds is all it takes for her to pull away, out of my grasp.
“Who I am with you is real.”