Page 66 of Psycho
“Louis put my mother in her place. Ah, you should’ve seen it. She was threatening to take me to court to get custody of Thomas because she found out he went to the club, but Louis stepped in and shut it down. It was nice to have someone on my side for once.” Clasping my hands on the table in front of me, I tell her, “I’m falling in love with him, and he told me he loves me too.”
“I’m sure. Perfect fucking Louis, eh?”
Frowning, I lean on the table and lower my voice. “What’s going on, Lex? You’re starting to worry me.”
Her stare is so intense, I lean back slightly in my chair. It’s like she’s looking into my soul.
“You really are worried about me, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am. I can see you’re not yourself, and if I can help, I will. Not because you’ve done so much for me, but because I want to.”
“There’s nothing you can do. I’ll be fine in a few days, but you won’t.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m loyal to my brother above anyone on this earth, and he’s the one person I’ll never betray.”
What the hell is going on? She’s not making any sense.
“He’ll see this as a betrayal, but if you’re true to your word and you love him, it’ll all work out in the end.”
“I’m not following…”
“The first time my brother saw you, he was sitting in the chair you’re in now. You were crying, screaming at your mum. You got his attention. He took one look at you, and I saw the moment a new obsession was born. He asked me to befriend you, and find out everything about you before you were released.”
I cast my mind back to the day when the prison officers dragged me out of this room. It was that night Lexi showed up in my cell.
Before I can point it out, she continues. “The shopping was my idea, because I knew it would give him a reason to meet you. The job, though, that was Louis. He fixated on you, and when he obsesses over something or someone, it’s no good for anybody, especially him. But I’ve come to care about you, and I don’t want you to get hurt, either, because it will be you who gets hurt in the end. His love is bad for you, Evie.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
I’m physically shaking as I wait for her to answer.
“Like I said, I’ve come to think of you as a friend. I don’t want you ending up like Debbie, or worse. He was so obsessed with her, it left her terrified of him. He had to know where she was at all times, who she spoke with. When she tried to break up with him, he locked her in his room. Also, Louis tells me everything, and he’s said he’s keeping you separate from the club. That’s not good. To love my brother, for him to love you and be himself, he needs everyone in his life to be on the same page. Your Louis will always be our Psycho—they’re one and the same. It’ll never work if you don’t, and you’ll both be in pain. And when he feels pain, so does everyone else around him.”
She leans in closer, catching the watchful eye of the screw closest to us. “He watched you, followed you, all because he saw you once. Ask yourself, Evie: Is your love for him strong enough to overlook who he truly is?”
I ask myself this over and over on the bus ride into town. When I step out onto the pavement, I look at the bus that’ll take me to work idling at the curb, but I decide to jump on the one that’ll take me closest to Louis’s club. I’m sensible enough to think I shouldn’t believe Lexi so quickly. Louis has shown me nothing but love and respect, so I should at least hear him out before I get too wound up. But pieces are quickly falling into place as I think back to the first time he showed up on my doorstep. And he would’ve supposedly loved this Debbie, am I to expect red flags rearing their ugly heads down the line?
Stepping off the bus, I walk up the street and to the club’s gates, where a prospect is sitting on an old wooden stool.
Tipping his chin as I approach, he asks, “Can I help you?”
I internally cringe when I tell him, “I’m Psycho’s girl,” remembering how Louis told me to announce myself.
It works. He gets up and opens a door beside the gate. Stepping into his world, I look for Louis’s bike, but I can’t find it. Since he isn’t answering my calls or replying to my texts, I’m hoping someone will be able to get a hold of him on my behalf.
Chaos walks out of their bar and stops short when he sees me.
“Evie? What are you doing here?”
“I need to see Louis, now. I can’t get a hold of him. Do you know where he is?”
“He’s on his way here. He wouldn’t have been able to answer while he’s riding. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“No. I just need to see him.”
Wiping my eyes, I will myself to stop the tears and straighten my shoulders.