Page 2 of Manik
“I’m telling you what’s going to fucking happen…”
“Lou,” I cut in. I’m in enough trouble, I don’t need him in cuffs alongside me. “Don’t.”
His eyes are frantic. He wants to know what’s happened, but he doesn’t want me to speak freely in front of the law. I know him well enough to know what his silence is asking. He wants to know if I did what they’re arresting me for.
“What have you arrested her for?”
“For now, double attempted murder but that could change if they die.”
Louis stumbles into the shoe rack but within a minute, he’s composed and jumping over me. He shoves the officer so hard he falls onto his arse. Louis takes advantage of the minute he’ll get before the officer is back on his feet and whispers in my ear, “Say nothing. Do nothing. No matter what they say or put in front of you. Don’t say a fucking word. Become whoever you need to become to get through this. I’ve got you.”
He pulls back at the same time the officer yells into his radio, “Where’s our backup?”
I gaze at Louis, and tell him, “Get out of here. I’ll be fine.”
It’s far from the truth but Louis is capable of far worse, and I need him more than I ever have, and I need him a free man. I know once he’s out of this house, the club will hold him down.
“Listen to your sister and back up outside!”
Louis holds his hands up and steps just outside of the door just as more officers come running up the front path. He’s pulled back and thrown to the ground. He goes down, officers piling on top of him, and his brothers come running. A line of officers appears and blockades them and the hollering from both sides becomes a deep male drone to me.
With an officer on either side of me, I’m pushed outside and hauled into the back of a police car.
“Say nothing, Lex!” Chaos yells as the door is slammed shut. Watching out of the window, I watch the destruction occurring because of me. Mayhem pushes through the officers and runs to the car, through the glass, I hear him tell me, “We’ll get you a lawyer. We’ve got you.” And then he’s pulled away.
It’s my brother I search for. Chaos and Riot are yelling in the officers' faces and only step away when Louis’s pushed toward them. Relief hits me and I lean into the seat. Well, as much as I can with my hands cuffed behind my back.
Two officers climb into the front of the car and drive up onto the path to get around the motorcycles.
One officer frowns at me over his shoulder and grunts, “You want to hope they pull through or you’re up on murder charges.”
I stare out of the window and give no answer. I know I’m fucked. With them pulling through or not. A strangled laugh escapes me. My dad always said I’d grow up to be nothing… looks like he was right.
Chapter One
It hasn’t rained for the last two weeks and today of all days, it’s bucketing it down. Though the cold drops are running down the back of my neck, giving me a chill, it’s not bringing down my mood. Any other day it would, but not today.
I’m being released back into society. I’ve been given my freedom back.
“Go on, then, Lex. Or shall I take you back to the wing?” Prison Officer Dick grunts, sliding the ten-foot-high wooden gate open.
“I’m going to miss you, screw.”
He snorts. “Yeah, yeah. Go on, get yourself home, and don’t be coming back here.”
“Not a chance.”
Stepping out onto the street, I drag my bag up onto my shoulder and inhale the fresh coastal air. Tipping my head back, the rain hits my face and it’s the best feeling I’ve felt in years. Ten long years to be precise.
“Are you coming home or standing in the fucking rain for shits and giggles?”
My brother. Louis Mitchell, or better known as Psycho, is Enforcer for the Road Wreckers Motorcycle Club. The only man breathing I truly and completely trust.
I grin. “I’m coming home, brother.”
Running into his arms, I drop my bags and a single tear falls as he hugs me. I inhale his cologne mixed with cigarette smoke. The smell transports me back to before my conviction. Pulling away, Louis picks my bags up and tosses them in the boot of the car.