Page 41 of Manik
“Grab her purse, make sure her phone is in it, and wipe down anything you’ve touched,” he instructs, and I do while he keeps her quiet.
Expecting to head inside the warehouse, I’m surprised when we walk around the back. Shaya kicks out and thrashes over Psy’s shoulder. Her muffled screams are the only thing to be heard over the roar of crashing waves from the shore.
We hit the grassy cliff top and Psy drops Shay to the ground, and she lets out a yelp. He crouches down to her level, only his eyes visible through the slits of his balaclava, and stares her down.
“Because you threatened to run your mouth, you have to die. Normally I wouldn’t enjoy seeing a woman die, but you’re an exception. You caused my sister grief so for that, while you’re pissing yourself in fear, I’ll enjoy every second.”
“Your sister? I don’t even know who she is.”
“She knows who you are and that’s enough to piss me off.”
He’s ice-cold. Her chest heaves with silent whimpers and she peers up to me.
Psycho grabs her chin and forces her to stare at him. “He can’t help you and he doesn’t plan on it. You threatening to talk because he won’t eat your pussy any longer doesn’t only affect him, it affects everyone wearing the patch and we can’t have that. So, you’re going to walk over to the edge there and you’re going to jump from this cliff.”
“N-no, I’m not going to do that… I can’t…”
Psycho’s shoulders relax and he tilts his head. “Oh sweetheart, yes, you are. And you’re not going to keep me waiting. My old lady is worn out from dealing with my daughter this week, she’s cutting her teeth and no amount of Calpol has helped. I promised I’d be home early and it literally pains me to even think of letting her down. So get up to your fucking feet and start walking.”
It’s now my heart begins to pound but it’s not for her, watching Psycho work is something else. He’s smooth and deadly. I’m trapped in the moment like a fly in a spider’s web. He stands and motions for her to stand.
Without failing to be unoriginal, she drags herself up to her feet and darts around me.
“Fuck me,” I groan and get that I’m the one to do the chasing. I set off and catch up to her in less than a minute.
“Vinny… please, don’t let him do this,” she cries.
Whatever attachment I once felt toward her, vanished a long time ago. I lift her and carry her back to the cliff top. Psycho takes out his gun and aims it straight at her.
“Do that again and I’ll unload this clip into your chest and watch you bleed out.”
“P-please… d-don’t… do- t-this!” she stutters, tears streaking down her cheeks.
“You’re wasting time,” Psycho says and walks slowly toward her. Each step matching the rhythmic thud in my chest. “You run your mouth, you lose your life. It’s the way it is.”
“But I didn’t say anything! I never would have…”
“Implying it is enough, we don’t know you enough to trust you, now take a step back and then another, and before you crash down on the rocks, you’ll know what it’s like to fly.”
He continues to walk toward her and with each step he takes forward, she takes one back.
“Vincent! Don’t let him do this!”
“I’m not telling him shit. The longer you prolong this, the worse it’ll be.”
Psycho doesn’t stop walking toward her and when her foot reaches the cliff edge, she scrambles forward.
“Two more steps, sweetheart, and then it’ll all be over,” he says.
“You’ll never get away with this. My mum will know something happened to me when she doesn’t hear from me.”
“When and if the questions arise, you’ll just be another young woman with a broken heart who couldn’t take anymore and jumped to her death. If the police come around the club, they’ll hear about the scene you caused when Manik wanted nothing to do with you.”
Hearing the backup plan in case this backfires on us, has her trembling from head to toe. With the tip of the gun aimed an inch from her head, he gives her no choice but to move as he pushes her back, an inch away from the edge.
“You should never have gotten ideas beyond your reality.”