Page 6 of Manik
Parking up, I kill my engine and swing my leg over my bike. Ripping my gloves off, I unclip my helmet and hang it from the handlebar. It doesn’t matter what clubhouse I walk into, they all feel like home. All because of the patch. Between my patch and my brothers, they are my life. Because of the two, I’m worth something in this miserable thing we call our existence. Pausing in the doorway, I scan the bar and push my way through the crowd until I reach Chaos plotted up at a large round table in the corner.
I catch his eye and he stands, coming around the table, holding his hand out.
“Wasn’t expecting you till later tonight.”
“I had a good run, missed all the traffic,” I tell him, and he embraces me and slaps the shit out of my back. “I’d have gotten here earlier if I knew you were throwing me a party.”
His laugh booms over the music and he reaches for a woman’s hand. He pulls her up from her chair to his side.
“This is my old lady, Olivia.”
Shaking her hand, I say, “It’s nice to meet you.”
Chaos’s old arse must have a dick of gold, she’s an absolute beauty. Her striking red hair and tiny frame are alluring.
“Babe, this is Manik.”
“Hey.” She smiles.
As much as I want to hunt down a drink and a woman for the night, there’s business to discuss first.
“Where’s good to talk?”
He releases his old lady and nods toward a door leading out back. There are a few brothers hanging around, but Chaos leads us over to a picnic bench away from everyone.
“Dodge didn’t say much, just that you needed to get out of the sticks. There’s no doubt about taking you in, but we’ve got a good thing going in this town, we can’t have you rocking up and fucking it sideways for us.”
My reputation precedes me, and I smile. “I’m a changed man, Chaos. I’m all about living in peace and fucking harmony.”
Arching his brow, he grunts, “Yeah, yeah. What is it that had you riding across the country?”
He sits listening to every word and I respect he doesn’t butt in and ask question after question before hearing me out.
“Fuck. No wonder Dodge got you out of Huxlington.”
“He’s a good man, I’m not going to let him down again. I’ll behave myself while I’m here.”
He holds his fist out and I knock mine against his and we both stand.
“So who’s the party for?”
Walking back inside he tells me, “Psycho’s twin sister, Lexi.”
I’ve met Psycho a few times. He doesn’t like most people and I’ve always kept a healthy distance. I imagine his sister to be the spitting image of him but with long hair. Fuck, I shudder at the thought.
“Get yourself a drink and I’ll get a prospect to fix you a room. It’s not much, but it’s a bed and your own door.”
Shrugging, I say, “It’s all I need.”
He splits off back to his old lady and I make my way over to the bar. I order a beer and before I can dig out enough change to pay for it, some fucker’s jumping on my back. My first instinct is to react, but it only takes a second to remember I’m surrounded by brothers. No one is out to fight me here. The weight of a fucking tank pulls off me and I turn to see Riot. I grin. He’s always good for a laugh.
“You not gonna say hello?”
Holding my hand out, he clasps it and pulls me in. I hug him briefly and step back.
“Chaos mentioned you were coming to stay with us for a while. When did you get here?”
“Not long ago. How are you doing, brother?” His killer watt smile could light an entire city.