Page 9 of Manik
I need to know the name of the first woman to quite literally, screw me over.
My dick no longer throbs. It softens and I fall back on the bed, grinding my hands into my eye sockets.
Chapter Three
Ilet myself into Louis and Evie’s house. Evie gave me a key before she took the kids home. It’s weird having a key to a door again and I close it quietly behind me and lock up. It’s just after midnight and the house is shrouded in darkness. You could hear a pin drop, it’s so quiet. Slipping out of my boots, I take my socks off and soak in the soft carpet beneath my feet. After ten years of hard flooring and not trusting to walk anywhere barefoot, it’s a dream to feel such softness back in my life. Family photos line the hall wall and as I walk through the house a sense of peace flows through me for Louis. He finally has the family we both wished for as kids. Meeting Evie was the best thing that ever happened to him. He has it all now.
A photo of me and Louis as kids catches my eye in the living room and I pick it up from the dresser and sit on the sofa. I remember this day. We were six and Mum and Dad had taken us on a rare outing to the beach, which looking back was crazy. We lived at the seaside. It should’ve been a regular outing for us. It’s blurry in my memory but I remember dad cooking on an instant barbecue, and mum was playing in the sand with us. What I remember most is the feeling I felt. I was happy. So happy I never wanted the day to end. I knew, even at six years old, that once we got home, Dad would hit the beers and Mum would guzzle the wine, and me and Louis would be woken by them fighting and Mum throwing the furniture because Dad would overpower her, and she’d lose her mind.
That’s the thing with happiness, it never lasts. I learned that from an early age, and it took me until I was banged up and enduring one of many therapy sessions to truly believe that no one is happy constantly and I wasn’t the only person in the world that had experienced difficult times.
“How was your first night out?”
Opening my eyes, Louis is stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. He walks over and sits on the coffee table in front of me.
“It was good.” Especially fucking the brother I didn’t get the name of. “I’m sorry if I woke you.”
“I wasn’t asleep. Who brought you home?”
“I got a taxi. It was so good seeing everyone again. They’re all so much older now.”
He snorts. I was expecting a lot of changes. My personal officer had been preparing me for release and kept going on about how I would most likely feel out of place and whatnot for a while.
I didn’t feel out of place per se, but it did make it crystal clear I’d been away for too long.
“Ten years locked up is a long time. It might take a while to find your way.”
“Aw, are you worrying about me?” I wait for his comeback but he only stares at me. “Don’t worry about me, Louis. I’m not planning on doing anything that lands me back behind those bars.”
“Evie’s shown me how good life can be. I want that for you too.”
Smiling, I assure him, “I’m not trying to have a shit life. After spending ten years thinking about everything I’ve been through, I know how I want my life to pan out. I’m gonna start my job hunt in the morning and then I’ll start looking for my own place.”
“There’s no rush, I’ve got you, and Evie has been looking forward to having you here. As for money, I’ve been saving for your release. Just to get you started so you don’t have to worry.”
He gets up and lifts up the armchair cushion. Shoving his hand down the side, he pulls out an envelope, and then another, and then another.
Collecting the envelopes, he dumps them on my lap and sits back down on the coffee table.
“There’s around eighteen thousand.”
Flicking through the wads of money, I’m speechless.
“Louis,” I manage to choke out.
“I’ve been putting money away for you since you were first sent down.”
“This is too much. Surely you and Evie need it more?”
He shakes his head. “We’re comfortable. This is yours. I promised I’d always watch after you and I will. You’re going to need new clothes, all new furniture once you do get your own place. I vowed you’d never live how we did as kids ever again and I meant it.”
Louis is the only one who can make me feel wanted and I owe him everything. But how do you repay someone who offers you priceless things in life?