Page 10 of The Monster's Wife
It’s progress, and it gives me hope.
My past may not have given me many advantages in the human realm, but it did teach me the value of never giving up. I’m slowly melting the walls around her heart, and one day soon, they’ll thaw to me forever.
She’s my heart’s flame. I’m sure she feels a connection to me, the same as I feel drawn to her, but she’s been hurt.
I left before she did, but monsters talk, and I’ve heard rumors.
I’ve spent the last few years ensuring no one can put her at risk. Before she did more than shoot timid smiles my way, I was going out of my way to protect her.
Recognizing Ali is one thing.
I’m not quite that deranged, but if they pose a risk to her safety or don’t know how to keep their mouths shut, then I have, on occasion, had to end a few lives.
Fine, twenty-seven monsters who didn’t know how to maintain a respectable code of conduct have died by my hands.
I’ve killed thousands more during my time in the horde. I lose no sleep at night.
I’ve done what had to be done to protect my flame, nothing more and nothing less. The fact she’s not emotionally prepared to recognize our connection doesn’t change the truth of it.
* * *
“Knock, knock,” Nadia’s sunny voice calls out as she pushes inside Ali’s office. The witch is far too chipper this morning.
I grunt.
My eyes ache like they do when I don’t get enough sleep. My cock is definitely awake and jabbing into Ali’s lower stomach.
I sigh, sliding my hand from the bottom of her dress and palm her head with the other. She wiggles around like she’s mentally willing me to leave her alone.
“I think you’ve got an appointment with Nadia,” I murmur against the top of her head.
“Aww, crap,” she mumbles sleepily.
“I’ll head out and grab us some breakfast...” I glance around for the clock. “Or lunch, because it’s late afternoon.”
Ali groans, kneeling over me. “Well, apparently, they survived without a supervisor for at least a few hours.”
“Saber is looking for you,” Nadia says. The face she makes indicates it’s time for me to clean house again.
With a sigh, I sit up and give Ali a kiss on the forehead. “You two take care of what you need to. I’ll check in with Saber, grab some food, and be back before you know it.”
“I need a vacation,” Ali mumbles, snuggling deeper into my chest. “And this feels useless. You shouldn’t get your hopes up.”
I purposely avoid drawing attention to what their sessions are for. Nadia is a fertility witch. I know why she sees Ali every week, but more than anything, I just want her. I’m not opposed to a yard full of kids. That admission aside, I’d live a happy and fulfilled life without them.
“If five years’ worth of treatments haven’t worked by now...” Her lower lip trembles and she glances away.
“Enough.” I swat her ass. “Losing hope won’t help anything.”
“These things can take time, especially since it’s due to magical backlash,” Nadia says, setting down two take-out cups of coffee on the table next to the couch.
I nod to the delicious-smelling coffee. “I’m chopped liver, I see.”
“I probably should have figured you’d be here.” Nadia takes a seat next to the cups. “You can grab some while you’re out.” She nods to the door. “I’d check the main bar.”
“This early in the day?” Ali sighs.
Nadia chuckles.