Page 28 of The Monster's Wife
I can feel each emotion as if it were my own, and I desperately try to fight the jealousy that thrums through my system.
My sister gives me a soft smile. It’s as though she’s saying my time will come. I suppose it will. I’ve waited a hundred years to reach maturity, but our parents can’t suffocate me any longer. Although, I know they wish they could.
I understand the Seelie Courts aren’t as accepting as the Unseelie, but they’re my mates. They’ll accept me as Ary’s men have accepted her, or that’s my hope.
The gods wouldn’t have given me the gifts I have if they didn’t wish me to use them.
Then again, I know I frighten even the Kings and Queen of Faere.
My mother mated a prince from each court: Summer, Winter, Spring, and Autumn. It helped to unify the realms, at least for a while.
It’s still very separated, despite my mother’s best efforts.
Spring and Summer are home to the Seelie Court.
Winter and Autumn house the Unseelie.
It’s been many hundreds of years since my mother’s rise to power. The Seelie Court barely recognizes her agency anymore. That’s why I need to bond with my mates and help to unify all fae. Once we have children, it will solidify things even further.
The courts aren’t nearly as different as they’d like to believe, but having twin daughters to marry off to the next generation of future kings should help.
Yes, fine.
I’m petrified.
I’ve only met Hex and Silence on a handful of occasions, but they radiated the same glow that I did upon our introduction, meaning it’s not solely a political marriage. They’re my soulmates.
* * *
My mates are not enamored with me, as Ary’s are with her.
The suffocating ache in my chest is difficult to ignore. I’ve never felt jealousy toward my sister before recently, but as Hex and Silence stand at my side for the ceremony, there are no smiles. Nor are there tears of joy, like with Ary and her men.
I’m sure that has to do with the fact we haven’t had the benefit of growing up together.
Hex stands with his thick arms crossed over his broad chest. He’s the Summer Prince and half-kraken, if what I’ve heard is true. His brown, curly hair is thick and longer on top than it is on the sides. He has strong, muscular shoulders and a trim waist. His face is covered in a thick, curly brown beard. He has brown eyes in human form, but all kraken have aquamarine eyes when they are shifted.
Hex is the younger prince of his court, and he doesn’t seem pleased to find himself at our wedding. I bet he wished his older brother were the one stuck with me.
I glance away as my cheeks burn. It’s not a good feeling to realize exactly how miserable they are to be stuck with me.
My eyes drift to Silence. He looks very much like a Spring Prince. He has light blond hair that’s long on top. It’s straight and frequently falls into his eyes as he waits by Hex’s side. His light-blue eyes glimmer like he’s amused by something. They’re so bright, they remind me of an icy ocean. He’s taller than even Hex, with a lithely muscled frame similar to most fae. He’s covered in black tattoos that line every inch of visible skin, from his fingers to his neck. My eyes are drawn to them repeatedly during our farce of a ceremony.
Unlike Hex, Silence continues to wear a bemused smirk. Like finding his mate is humorous, rather than a life-changing and happy event.
The noblemen of each court stick to their sides of the room during the celebration that follows the bonding ceremony.
There’s a clear divide between Seelie and Unseelie.
My mother is Unseelie. It’s unknown which of her mates fathered us, but it could have been one of her Seelie mates. Yet, my bonded look upon me with disdain.
Their haughty, condescending attitudes are actually beginning to infuriate me.
I’ve waited a hundred years for this. It should be a joyous occasion.
The procession of well-wishers continues along as they each take a turn to greet us.
Ary and her men are across the room, but they’re in good spirits. Being empathic is a curse. The misery and negativity wafting off my new husbands is enough to turn my stomach.