Page 4 of The Monster's Wife
“He had no right to talk to you that way.” I run my fingers over his broad chest. “He was already pissed because—”
The loud, echoing bang of someone knocking on my office door cuts me off. Atlas brushes his thumb over my cheek and steps around to the other side of my desk.
We always have shitty timing. Or maybe it’s a good thing we’re constantly being interrupted. There are certain lines I’m not sure we should cross, even if my body feels differently.
“C-come in,” I call out.
“Aline.” Dread slams my door open, stomping inside. He frowns at the door as it bounces against the wall. Glancing between me and Atlas, he tosses a thumb toward the door.
Atlas sighs, but he winks at me and heads out.
Dread is my boss and the main owner of The Monster’s Den. His long, black curly hair falls around his shoulders as his red eyes glow. He’s furious about something, and I get the feeling he’s about to tell me all about it.
Dread proceeds to rant and rave for the next hour about the new classes I’ll be responsible for setting up for all employees. Apparently, someone royally fucked up, and now every new hire is going to take a comprehensive class about how each species initiates a courtship bond.
His boots stomp heavily across the floor as he continues to list off instructions.
As far as bosses go, I don’t think mine are bad. Perhaps a bit overbearing. Dread absolutely has unrealistic expectations from time to time.
I shrug, picking at my nail while he continues to growl and snarl. I occasionally nod to make it seem like I’m accepting what he’s saying, or at the very least, listening.
Hellhounds have notoriously bad tempers, but Dread has never fit the stereotype for his species. He’s growly and yells a lot, but he’s never violent, unless the situation calls for it, so I let him vent and get it off his chest. He’s too stubborn to realize one of our new employees is his mate.
Emerson is sweet, if a little naive of the supernatural world. I’m excited to see the aftermath once he accepts that she’s his.
“ human is now life partners with a fucking sex demon!” He erupts in electric blue flames.
My jaw falls.
“Did you just say Emerson and Arsyn are bonded?” I ask as my brain finally catches up to everything he’s been saying during his tirade.
I personally walked Emerson to her date with Arsyn. She seemed a little ill at ease, which is weird, since Dread is also a demon. He’s just a demon shifter, rather than an incubus like Arsyn.
I’ve known Arsyn for years. It’s difficult to comprehend that he would willingly bond with anyone, let alone a human.
“She bit him,” Dread says, sounding totally indignant.
Good for her. I’ve never liked the thought that fate dictates our partners. If she wanted to bond Arsyn, and he was willing, then that’s great.
“Damn,” I whisper, because, still, I didn’t see that coming. “Your mate picked her own mate...” I roll my lips together to hold back the laugh.
“Apparently,” he snarls, tossing himself into the chair across from my desk. “And she is my mate. I can’t believe it took me this long to recognize it.”
I grin shamelessly.
Freaking finally. I’m tempted to sayI told you so, but either way, he finally acknowledged what we’ve all known. Also, if I rile him up, this night will truly never end.
Before I left Faere, I’d never had a job. I had no idea how to survive in the human realm once I landed here. I barely survived making it into Haven.
Some humans are truly vile creatures.
If Dread hadn’t stopped that night and asked if I was all right, I honestly don’t know where I would’ve ended up.
I had no money, no idea of the customs of the human world, and I was completely alone.
I was terrified when the six-and-a-half-foot, nude hellhound popped out of the tree line, dick swaying, frowning down at my pathetic form. Although, honestly, it was less traumatic than my first interactions with humans. At least I had some understanding of shifter culture.