Page 64 of The Monster's Wife
“Atlas, please,” Ali begs, yanking at his hair.
“Nah, not yet,” he growls, pulling back from her clit. He continues teasing two thick fingers inside her. Every time they slide out, my gaze is drawn to how slick they are. “You can wait.” She glares, and he laughs. “That’s an adorable, pouty face, but you’re still not getting your way.”
“I’m going to hurt you.” Her feet bounce against the couch, and it makes her tits jiggle.
“You’re drooling.” Malice pretends to wipe my chin.
“I am not,” I hiss, but he might be right. My mouth is quite literally watering to taste her.
“Our time will come,” Silence says softly. He rubs his thumbs over my forehead, continuing to work his glamor.
“I think I’d like a taste.” Malice pushes himself up until he’s standing, before sauntering over like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
My stomach drops at the way my wife lights up when she spots him.
“Stop,” Silence grunts, shoving me back down. “Be patient.”
I sigh.
I hadn’t even realized I was in motion. It’s not easy watching Malice cup her tits in his shadows.
Atlas buries his face deeper into her pussy.
I briefly consider tossing myself off the roof of the building to make the ache in my chest stop. It wouldn’t kill me, but the massive amount of trauma would likely help offset some of the agony I’m currently experiencing.
It’s the universe punishing us and indicating it’s time to put more effort into our bond.
Malice isn’t her mate. He might eventually be able to claim her in whatever way his species does, but for the moment, the tether between my soul and hers radiates with pure fire any time they kiss.
Luckily, it’s only happened a few times since he took over as Kash. The fact still remains that her cycle will be coming up and the fucker has already taunted us about how he intends to be there if she’ll have him.
Watching how comfortable she is with him, I find it highly unlikely she would refuse him entry into her nest. I’m not sure how to mentally prepare for the level of pain that will cause, especially being in the same realm.
“Are you going to come all over his face, kitten?” Malice taunts.
“Yes,” she whines.
My head tilts, studying the interaction as Malice seals his lips to hers.
My beast wants to hear that sound spill from her lips again, but this time, it needs to be for us.Not either of them.
Atlas growls, lapping at her sex as one huge hand holds her in place and the other works in and out of her. She jolts with electric zips, thrashing around as her scent floods the air.
Suckers break out all over my skin.
“I should have seen that coming,” Silence mutters. “On the positive side, the glamor is holding so far. Go ahead and completely transform.”
I stand, aiming for the corner. Kicking off my shoes, I pull my shirt over my head before removing the rest of my clothing quickly.
The transformation is downright painful, due to avoiding it for so many years. I don’t allow myself to change completely. The little I’ve seen of Laz, he performs in partially shifted form.
“That’s a whole lot of sea monster,” Malice says, chuckling darkly. He looks at Ali. “Are you sure you’re ready for all that?”
“I can’t believe I have to scan the audience to read their minds,” Silence mutters. “All they’re going to be thinking about is railing our wife.” His eyes flick to mine.
“Wow,” Ali says, wiggling until she’s sitting up. Her eyes get wide as they study me.
My shoulders pull back as Malice helps her get comfortable.