Page 79 of The Monster's Wife
I wander barefoot and terrified for what feels like hours but might only be minutes.
Humans aren’t as welcoming as the stories I heard growing up. I follow a long, hard path as it leaves the small town.
There are trees in the distance.
I aim for those, because they remind me of home. There’s a certain safety with nature that I’ve never found with the beings that fill it.
At some point, my wound opens, and the adrenaline wears off.
My hands shake, and I’m filled with shame. I question every decision I’ve ever made until I’m too tired to go any farther.
I don’t make it all the way to the thick trees, but I collapse against the bark of one close to the path. I face myself toward them; that way, if I pass out, I’ll be able to remember where I was heading once I wake.
Dread’s nude form approaching in the distance is the next thing I remember. His red glowing eyes narrow in suspicion—or that’s what I thought at the time. I know him well enough now to recognize it for what it truly was.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He squats in front of me. “Are you all right?”
My head shakes, and I groan in response.
I think it’s possible I might vomit, but that would be ridiculously painful and probably too much for my body to handle.
“Okay. I’m going to get you some help,” he growls.
I cry out, clawing at his forearms as he lifts me, and blissfully pass out.
“The next thing I remember is waking up in one of the rooms at The Den with a vampire I didn’t recognize leaning over me. Laithe not so politely told me I stunk, while complaining that I drained him dry in order to heal,” I tell Silence, staring up at his icy-blue eyes.
“Gods,” Silence says, running his hand over my hair. “I don’t think I can explain how sorry I—”
“Can we not do that?” I ask, holding back the ragged breath that might come out like a sob if I’m not careful. “I don’t even fully understand how my magic got me out of the Spring Castle. I thought it was trying to keep me alive. I’m so sorry—”
“I know,” he says, swallowing thickly. “I can sense the truth, remember?”
“Where do we go from here?”
“We’ve lost many years, but that’s the benefit of immortality, isn’t it?” He gives me a devastatingly handsome grin. “We’ve spent enough years hurting, all three of us. Don’t you agree?”
My eyes dart away from his searching gaze. “We have, but I don’t know that I’ll ever recover from my injury. It could’ve been the trip through the portal or being away from you two for so long.” My head shakes. “I’ll never be able to give you heirs. I won’t be enough to keep Atlas from slipping into rut and leaving me for a partner who can give him children.”
“No more of that,” Silence growls. “You’re my fucking soulmate. The gods only give us that gift once per long lifetime. I couldn’t care less if we spend our days fucking and napping and simply enjoying our bond. Children will comeor they won’t. The only thing I’m positive I need in my never-ending fucking existence is you.” He pushes his mouth to mine for a soul-consuming kiss. It’s slow and careful, like he’s pouring every bit of his truth into it.
My face feels hot.
I know a few tears escaped, but Silence nuzzles his cheek to mine as he finally pulls back.
“It’s something I’ve always wanted. I never had any desire to be queen.” My body trembles under his. “I wanted a home and kids...” And to be loved, but I already feel far too vulnerable to admit that aloud.
It wasn’t that my parents played favorites, but if I was being honest with myself, then I’d admit that they did. After the nature of my magic made itself known, the divide only became more noticeable.
“You’ll have those things,” Silence says. I know he can’t lie, but either he’s delusional, or he still has hope, where mine has been worn down over the years. “Tell me about the bracelet.” His fingers run over my throat. “And the necklace.”
“The bracelet was a gift on our union day. After I came to Haven, I had it transitioned into a relic. The same witch made the necklace to match. They hold my excess magic.”
“Could you take them off?” Silence asks. “Would you be willing to?”