Page 86 of The Monster's Wife
Veryn can’t wake up to his mother missing. He’d be worried. He’s an adorable little fellow and he’ll make a solid alpha one day.
“Right,” I clap, “so, I’m going to pop back home with Charity, so hersondoesn’t wake up to find his mother missing.” I give the wyvern a disapproving frown. “You both know where to find her.”
I siphon over, grabbing Charity, and disappear before the two monstrous reptiles can blink. I trust Silence’s and Ali’s magic to keep them safe until I can return.
“Here we are.” I land in front of the old wolf’s house. Mrs. Segar isn’t my biggest fan, or she wasn’t in Kash’s shell. Hopefully this will help improve her opinion of me. “Sorry about that. Likely, the wyvern came across you because of me.” I frown. “I mean Kash.”
“Oh God, I think I’m going to hurl.” She bends over, resting her palms on her knees. She gags, and I take several large steps back. “That wyvern is my mate!”
“What?” I ask, truly bewildered.
She nods. “Every time we touched, my chest felt warm and tingly. He was also able to send me thoughts and images telepathically. I’m not the most familiar with the monster world, but I’m pretty sure that means we’re fated.”
“Indeed,” I agree, scratching at my jaw. Huh, Haven is full of surprises. I’ve never heard of dragons sharing a mate. Let alone with a wyvern, which, from my understanding, are viewed as less than in dragon society. “I should get back and recommend they not kill each other.”
I wave and siphon back to the cave. The two monstrous beasts are gone.
It does put a damper on my ability to warn them not to kill each other.
Oh well, I tried.
“Charity thinks the wyvern is her mate.” I chuckle. “And Bane believes she’s his. That’s going to be interesting.” I meander over to the wall, where Silence has Ali pinned. “What did I miss?”
“I ache,” she groans.
I swallow thickly, getting a huge hit of her pheromones. She’s definitely entering the initial stage of her quickening, or as demons call it, her heat.
My cock hardens to a painful degree.
I glance toward the fire and back at Ali. Even if it’s extinguished, I’ve left us in quite a precarious situation.
“We’ve got you,” Silence murmurs, typing away on her phone one handed as the other caresses her head. “Okay, so they’re aware of where we are, and they’re going to check on Charity and meet us at your house.”
“I’m completely tapped out.” I grimace. “Siphoning from the shadows alone takes almost no energy, but carrying guests does. Doing it from a well-lit area is a completely different situation. It drains me significantly.”
“Malice,” Ali whimpers, stretching out a hand.
“I’m here, kitten. I just need a bit of time to recharge, and I’ll get us all back safely.”
Silence steps back and Ali flings herself at me. I catch her easily, turning to survey the area. It’s a fucking cave. It doesn’t have much to offer.
“Okay, so I’ve informed them we may be a bit delayed.” Silence frowns at the phone. “Or I believe I have. The checkmark means it’s been sent?”
“Yeah,” Ali moans breathily, licking her way up my neck.
“I’m going to conjure something comfortable to rest on,” Silence says, glaring at the dirt and stone floor of the cavern. His eyes and hands glow as he circles the small campfire.
I grin mischievously. “Are you aching for me?”
“Mm-hmm.” She licks down my neck and my eyes fall shut. “I need you.” Her fingers brush over my cheek as she nuzzles closer like she trusts me implicitly—as she should. I’ll always do everything in my power to protect her. Even now, as my stomach eats itself, churning with hunger pains.
I’d literally prefer to starve than feed on her fear. I remove it when it’s necessary to help manage her internal struggles, but never for my own gain.
“Malice, I’m hot. I know what that means.” Her soft fingertips tease under the hem of my shirt.
My pulse pounds so hard, I can feel it thrum in my neck. The echoing pulse seems to reverberate in my cock. There’s no way she’s purposely hitting all my buttons, so I’ll chalk it up to her being my perfect match.