Page 99 of The Monster's Wife
“Okay, so you’re telling me this why?” I ask, still trying to get myself together.
“Because I demanded he be truthful,” Charity says disdainfully.
At the same time, Bane shrugs. “Just trying to be neighborly.”
“Have you passed on any information about Alinelle’s whereabouts to Aryndia or anyone in either the Seelie or Unseelie Court?” Silence asks, appearing at my side.
“No,” Charity blurts out. She frowns, tilting her head like she has no idea why she just spoke.
Bane’s eyes glow. He doesn’t look pleased, but he answers, “I have not.”
“To anyone in the dragon court? The royals?” Silence presses.
“No,” Bane growls.
“Do they know where you are?” Silence wraps his arm around my hip. I’m still leaning into Hex for support, because I’m a little wobbly.
“I’ve done everything I could to cover my tracks.” Bane’s head shakes. “I’ll put it this way—I’ve cut ties with everyone except a select few, who I trust implicitly. Even then, no one knows where I live.”
“You aren’t afraid you’ll draw some enemy from your past and put Charity and her son in their crossfire?” Hex asks, sounding incredulous.
“You’ve done the same work I have.” Bane’s shoulders pull back as he puffs up. “Do you? Does the orc? He’s got nearly as prolific of a body count as I have the past couple years.”
“What?” I gasp.
“You kept your first name. What the fuck did you expect?” Bane scoffs. “That poor, lovesick asshole has been offing council agents, mercs, and probably anyone that looked like they might ask you out on a date.” He scoffs. “But I’m a risk?”
“Well, he’s telling the truth about that,” Charity says, cutting her eyes toward Bane. “Not that we mind. Everyone at The Den loves you to pieces. We all know to notify Atlas if someone gets a little too close for comfort.”
I blink and blink some more, but it’s like my brain won’t process what she just said.
“This child is hungry.” Malice flies Veryn through the air as he approaches. “And you might want to get the wyvern a pillow. Do you think they make dragon-sized puppy pee pads?” He snorts, gesturing to the courtyard. “He’s not housebroken, and eventually, the entire area is going to start smelling like pee.”
“Don’t joke about that. I already had Meena over here glamoring the area, so no one will spot him.” Charity grabs Veryn from Malice. “Something bad happened to him. I can feel it. He just needs some time to heal from that trauma.”
Malice bows his head, grimacing. “You’re right. My apologies. I’ll see what I can do about removing those memories, but I don’t care to work without consent.”
“Anyway,” Bane says, clapping. “Glad that’s out in the open. Thanks for patching me up. See ya.” With that, he turns, sauntering away without another word.
“To your own house this time, ass—” Charity blanches, looking at Veryn. “I’m serious, Bane. I’m not asking.”
“Not going to happen,” Bane mutters, continuing toward Charity’s.
Malice laughs as Charity heads off too. “Haven is quite entertaining.”
“Could I sweet-talk you into showering with me?” Silence asks me.
Hex grumbles, but I lean up, kissing his chin, and let Silence lead me up the stairs.
Atlas is still nude and passed out cold on my bed. It takes everything in me not to climb on top of him. What Bane said plays through my mind, but I don’t think I’m angry. Maybe a little bothered he never told me just how much he was looking after me.
“Come on, love.” Silence runs his finger over my inner wrist, pulling me into the bathroom.
I lean against the door as he starts the shower, but I’m still very much somewhere else. No wonder Haven has had such a high population of travelers go missing.
It’s kind of unreal to think that might be my fault. I’ve been incredibly stupid. I thought I was able to evade the hunters and the paranormal council, but apparently not.
Silence swipes a hand down my front, and my dress disappears. He does the same for himself before planting his hands on my hips. “Let’s get in, shall we?”