Page 157 of Only For Him
He presses my back against the wall and his fingers drift up my shirt. His touch is both demanding and gentle, both sides of this man I love. He takes from me in a way that fills me with a deep need for more. I could never have enough of this man.
Hips press against mine and his tongue sweeps against mine before he nips my bottom lip and then murmurs for me to turn around. It’s a heady feeling, when desire takes over and I give in to it, doing everything he tells me.
“You’ll be quiet, my naïve girl,” he tells me as he unbuckles his pants and then pulls mine down. “Won’t you?” he questions at the shell of my ear, sending delicate shivers down my spine and pebbling my nipples. The head of his cock plays at my entrance and I would agree to whatever he demanded.
I curve my back for him as I nod my head and answer, “Yes, Declan.”
In a single thrust, he’s inside of me. The quick sting of sweet pain and impending pleasure force a gasp from me. As I brace myself against the wall, he fucks me relentlessly. It’s all too much too fast and yet at the same time, I need more.
I need all of him. As if answering my unspoken desire, his left hand sweeps under my shirt and bra, cupping and kneading my breast. He pinches my nipple at the same time that he nips the curve of my neck. The pleasure rises and it takes everything in me to be as quiet as I can be as he fucks me with a hunger I’ve never felt before. Murmuring how I’m his good girl and that he loves me.
“One rat down…the rest of them need to go too,” I mutter to my brother as we drive along the gravel road to an old house by the river. This place used to be an escape, a rundown shack in the middle of nowhere. No one would find us here when we were kids. We were trying to figure shit out without going back home where our father was waiting and slowly killing himself with alcohol.
Until we did get found. A cocky smirk lifts my lips as I take in the dilapidated place. “My first arrest happened right there.” I point to the cracked concrete front steps, remembering how scared I was and knowing that the cop only lived another month after those cuffs were locked around my wrist.
Carter puts the car in park and Jase pipes up from the back seat, “Good times.”
Rough chuckles from the four of us fill the cab of the car.
They’re quickly silenced as my phone pings. “They’re almost here,“ I tell my brothers, reading the message from the tracker on the back of the detective’s car.
I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist. So we used Nate’s phone to respond to the waiting messages. Detective Mauer is expecting an exchange tonight. He’s planning on arresting Nate and me and helping Nate get out of the mess he got into. He said he’d give him a deal. This isn’t a plan to take us down, it’s a plan to get Nate out. Too bad for the good detective, Nate is already dead and Mauer’s about to join him.
“How many are with him?” Carter asks.
“He’d be stupid to come without back up, even if he thinks it’s just Declan and Nate.” Daniel answers.
It’s not enough to get rid of one bad apple, so to speak. That cop who arrested me years ago came down for a drug bust and stumbled on something bigger. He had to go, but no one else was involved. Over time, that changed. Like the shit we’re dealing with now. There were six total. The first two were Scarlet and Nate. Next the female cop N took care of who was working with Nate.
That leaves the detective and two cops that were working with Scarlet.
“I hope both,” I comment to Carter. They know damn well they shouldn’t, we have orders against them, but he’s hungry and pissed off and that detective doesn’t mind breaking rules.
If they come with him, they won’t report it. Which only makes it easier for us to get rid of the bodies without worry.
I roll the window down as we sit in the car, counting down the minutes while Jase and Daniel load up their guns before heading out. It’s dark and there’s plenty of brush for them to hide behind. Two of us will be seated in the car. Carter, with his hood up, could be anyone, certainly could look like Nate driving me to a meet that doesn’t exist, setting me up for an arrest.
The back car doors shut and I’m left alone with a cold breeze, the taste for vengeance. My brother is to my left, holding his Glock in his hand and allowing the sounds of the night to drift in.
“We might get all three in one go,” Carter murmurs.
I hum an affirmative response. “It’d be too fucking easy. Be done with it and get back home before Brae gets into bed.” The idea quirks my lips up even though my heart pounds and every muscle in me coils with the adrenaline that hasn’t quit all day.
“We trashing the cars?” I ask Carter, already thinking about what’s next. The tracker goes off on my phone.
“Wipe it and dump it into the river,” Carter answers as he pulls his hood up and then reaches into the glove compartment for another gun.
I smirk at him. “One for each hand?”
He lets out a laugh as the cars pull up behind us. One’s the detective. The other is a cop car. Both of us stay still as can be. “Never can be too careful,” he says ever so eerily as red, white, and blue flash.
“Come out with your hands up,” the voice over the speaker is heard clear enough. The two cops stay back, I watch in the side mirror as our detective gets out of his car but stays behind the door. The voice comes back, one of the other cops, those poor fuckers, “I repeat, step out of your vehicle and come out with your hands up.”
Neither Carter nor I move. My heart thumps loud and heavy. The waiting is the worst part. It feels the heaviest and the longest.
“I hate this part,” I murmur and swallow thickly.