Page 75 of Ned
Braced his arms around her.
Okay, yes, her heart pounded against her chest, but really— “It’s acar, Hudson.”
“Oh.” He stared down at her.
She hadn’t quite realized how big he was. Just…enormous. And for a second, she felt very, very safe.
And very, very noticed.
No, no… She ducked under his arm and headed out the door and down the stairs, away from the attic window and into the relative safely of her hallway. But then again, she had windows along one entire side of her house, so it wouldn’t be hard for a sniper to find her.
“Keep the lights off,” she said as Hud came out of the room behind her.
“No duh,” Hudson said. He’d already turned off the attic lights, and now followed her down the stairs.
She stopped in the hallway, clutching the knife to herself.
Hudson halted beside her.
She looked up at him. “So, wait. Ziggy told you that someone might be trying to kill me, so you jumped on a plane to find me?”
“I had an exhibition in Milan last night. Thought I’d stop by…” He shrugged.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “What, are we partners now?”
“No. Calm down there, Ref,” he said. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. After all, you made me a promise to get home safely.”
“I did not promise—”
“Fine. I made a promise to your brothers.”
Her mouth tightened. “Okay, well, home safe.”
He gave a chuckle from deep inside. Sounded more like a train rumble. “Hardly. Have you seen this place? Someone was looking for something. Any ideawhat?”
“Actually, not a clue.”
He drew in a long breath. “Okay then. Let’s go.”
“Let’s—no. I’m not going anywhere.”
He had stopped at the top of the landing. “What—hey. My job is to keep you safe—”
“Since Paris, when…your brother asked me to…well, he implied that I was supposed to take care of you.”
She blinked at him.
He held up a hand. “Okay, fine. I do remember the part where you said you could take care of yourself, and yes, you probably can, but—look at this place. You can’t possibly think you’re safe.”
Shoot, he made sense. Ridiculous, perfect sense.
“Listen. I have a place in Greece. Just a little time-share, but maybe we just go there, lay low for a few days while Ziggy tracks down the source of this hit on you. And then figures out a way to get it lifted.”
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“It’s on the beach. I have room service and a cook.”