Page 22 of Wings of Deception
Ever since I was little, I’ve wanted to be part of the Guild. Both of my parents are members — well my dad still is, but my mother died after being kidnapped on a mission when I was six. Even so, it’s always been a dream of mine. I’d rather fight and die alongside my fellow Fallen warriors than serve a Pure.
We’ve received more frequent calls recently that require all hands on deck and, as one of their top ranking interns, it’s often I have to rush out to a scene with my commanding officer. This time is no different.
We stand in a modest Pure home in the forest bordering the housing district. The door is busted and hanging haphazardly off its hinges. Picture frames lie scattered alongside torn pillows and toppled furniture.
At first glance, I might have written it off as a run-of-the-mill attack. Not that those are common, but the divide between Pure and Fallen has flourished over the last decade or so, and the lone Fallen feather near the door is as good an indicator as any.
But this attack wasn’t normal. Two bodies lie strewn across the floor, the walls surrounding them painted with strange, rune-like symbols I’ve never seen before, let alone understand. I reach out, wiping the tip of one finger through the dark liquid and bring it to my nose, breathing deeply. As the acrid scent hits my nose, I recoil. That isn’t paint. It’s demon blood.
Something flashes in the corner of the room, and I approach it carefully. A beautiful sun blade glints in the late afternoon sun, and I fall still.
There aren’t many of those blades left throughout Silver City, and we reserve the ones we have for high-ranking Guild members. So what is it doing here?
I say as much to my lieutenant, who only nods, his lips turned down in a frown. Black blood coats the tip of the blade, and when I pick it up, ashes drift off it. There’s a reason sun blades are so important to the Guild. It’s the only weapon we have against demons.
Whichever beings created them are long since gone from this world, and that means we have to make do. But if this was here, surrounded by ash … It could only mean one thing.
“A demon was here, just like at the other attacks. This blade explains the black feather we found by the door. If that’s the case, though, where’s the Guild member, and why did they leave the blade behind?”
“Precisely what I want to know. This is the third attack in as many weeks. What makes this one special?”
I look around the room once more, wanting to make sure I haven’t missed anything. The first attack only involved breaking and entering an empty warehouse in the production district, but demon blood was found on the doorframe. The second attack moved inward to the outskirts of the entertainment district, but it failed too, the Pure having escaped with his life. This couple wasn’t so lucky. When I’m confident I’ve seen it all, I turn back to my superior. “The difference is death. There’s a pattern here, sir. The attacks appear to be moving toward more populated areas. With the high Pure and student population in the surrounding districts, perhaps we should consider increasing their patrols while also planning for a possible evacuation?”
“I appreciate your feedback, Ezekiel, but the evidence is inconclusive at best. I can’t pull men from their stations on a whim. We’ll continue to study the attacks and follow protocol until we have more to go on.”
I nod, though I’m not at all convinced he’s right. But I know better than to keep pushing the subject.
We continue investigating the apartment but find little else that can help us. Guild records should show which member they dispatched here, and hopefully that will provide us with more information. For now, though, my work here is done.
“Great work today. You’ve got a knack for detail, and it would appear that’s exactly what we need to make it through whatever plan the demons have for us. I’ll be in touch.”
As is customary for my internship, I’ll need to write up a detailed report on our findings, but my mind won’t stop churning. There’s a darkness hovering over us, and I’m no longer confident that angels will make it out unscathed.
Weary and worn, I fly over SCU on the way back to my dorm room. The school year has only just begun and already I’m tired. Angels are on edge with the attacks, and the local news stations are only fueling the frenzy.
Some of their fears have merit, even I can admit that. Somehow the demons are making it past Guild defenses, and at this rate, we’ll only continue to fail unless we get more members.
But who will join us? The Pure certainly won’t risk their lives for everyone the way we have. Who else will protect the citizens of Silver City if not for us Fallen? I suppose they don’t really give us a choice in the matter. Outside of the Guild, Fallen jobs are more grunt work than anything else, even with a degree from a prestigious school like SCU.
The sun sits low on the horizon, casting stunning rays of light across the academy grounds as evening approaches. My stomach rumbles loudly, reminding me I forgot to eat lunch today.Fuck, I’m starving.
The sight of the Fallen house brings a smile to my face as I think about the hot shower and good meal I’ll have tonight, but a familiar head of brown hair catches my eye.Perhaps I can eat something else instead.
Hayliel sits on a large blanket laid out on the grass, the warmth of her smile evident even from up here. Images of her in my bed and screaming my name flash through my mind. For a second, I consider landing next to her, scooping her up in my arms, and bringing her back there. She slunk out of my room like a ghost this morning, not even giving me a proper goodbye.
I wish she’d told me about her wings. Maybe I could have protected her somehow. At the very least, I could have tried to give her as much time as possible before revealing them to the school.
Beside her sit two Pure angels, their wings spread wide to block the shafts of light, with a basket of food between them on the blanket.
My feet hit the ground much harder than I mean for them to as anger rises inside of me. Is this why she left me this morning, because she’s already seeing someone? And not just anysomeone. A Pure. The thought causes old wounds to fester in my chest, the sting of betrayal fueling the fire in my veins.
One of her friends notices me staring, but I don’t look away, even when Hayliel turns her head. Her eyes light up when she sees me, almost causing me to step back at the force of it, but I don’t move. She used me, and now she’s made her choice.
And it’s not me.
My gaze turns harder, more frigid, as emotions war within me. She must be able to sense them, even from this great a distance, because the smile falls from her pretty lips. I turn away, heading toward the front door. I really should just fly up to my balcony, but I need to work off this anger. Even now, I want to go to her. To warn those fuckers to stay the hell away from her because she’s mine. But even I know that idea is foolish. She isn’t mine. We fucked once and now she’s moved on.
Part of me hates myself for treating her this way. I don’t want to be the dark cloud looming over her and stealing her happiness. She couldn’t have known that I’ve been in this exact situation before not too long ago and still haven’t gotten over it. So what did she expect from me? That I’d be grateful for the chance to be in her presence, even for a short time, and not care that she’s flaunting her new relationship in my face so soon after we slept together?