Page 30 of Wings of Deception
“Oh no, that’s really not necessary, Professor. I can just keep practicing with the bag or find someone outside of class to help me with the holds.”Throwing myself repeatedly to the ground might even work, if it gets me out of working with the guy who hates me.
Zeke’s expression changes then, but I struggle to read the look on his face. The way he glares at me now makes me think he’s angry, but why? We’re both doing the same thing here. Trying to convince the professor to let us do our own thing instead of forcing us into a situation clearly neither of us wants.
“You will both work together on this if you want to receive a credit in my class. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Professor,” we say in unison.
“Good. This is a great opportunity for you both. Don’t waste it.” Then Professor Malik strolls away.
An awkward silence falls over us that I try to shake off.
“Do you have a preference?”
I glance up at him, my eyes wide. “I’m sure we’d both rather work with other people, but you heard the professor. We don’t have a choice.”
The corner of his lip turns up slightly before he says, “With the mats. Do you have a preference with the mats?”
“Oh …”Well, that’s not embarrassing.“Is there one far enough away from the other students so I won’t find anaccidentalfoot on my back?”
His brows crease once more, something like concern flashing behind his eyes for a second before it’s gone. “That would never happen.”
“You’d be surprised,” is all I say in response as I spot the perfect mat. I don’t bother waiting for Zeke as I make my way toward it. He likely wouldn’t believe me, anyway. His odd treatment of me started on the first day of classes, the same day I showcased my wings. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why he’s pissed at me. He’s mad that he fucked the weird demon student.
I stand on the mat, stretching out my arms and legs while I wait for Zeke to join me. When he does, he watches me intently but says nothing.
“What do we do first, Professor Zeke?”
He smiles at the title, and I can’t stop the matching one that grows on my face. If I’m supposed to treat him as any other professor, then that means he’s off limits. But does that really matter when I’ve already had one delicious taste of him?
“I want you, Miss Hayliel, to take me to the ground.”
He talks slowly, accentuating every word. My mind gets stuck on the first three, and I’m unable to get the image of me straddling him on this very mat out of my head.
I rush forward, trying to tackle him straight out, but he only shifts aside and pushes me to the ground. I land on my stomach with Zeke’s body pressed up against my back.
“I’m not going to let you win that easily, hummingbird,” he whispers into my ear before withdrawing, taking the heat at my back with him.
My heart pumps wildly at the sound of his nickname for me. His words only spur me on, making me more desperate to bring him to his knees.
I jump to my feet, turning to watch him. We walk in circles, neither of us wanting to take our eyes off the other for even a second.
Darting toward him, I feint left, then go right as I try to trip him, but it’s like he can see me coming. Once again, I land on the mat, but this time he doesn’t fall with me.
“You should really hide your tells better.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be helping me?” I mutter as I stand, feeling useless.
Instead of showing me like I’d hoped, he only says, “You watched Malik and I. What do you think you’re doing wrong?”
Closing my eyes, I think back on their demonstration and realize I’ve been trying to tackle him to the ground like we’re playing the human version of football, but that isn’t what they want.
Before my eyes are even open, I use my back leg to propel me forward. I grab his shirt, step past him to send him off-balance and then kick my left leg into his so he topples to the floor.
“Yes!” I shout, doing a little dance while Zeke lies sprawled out on the mat, wearing a matching smile.
He grabs my leg, pulling hard until I’m falling across his chest. I land with an oomph, but Zeke seems completely fine.
“Save the victory dances until after you’ve secured your foe.” He slaps my thigh, dangerously close to my ass, and I suck in a breath. “Again.”