Page 39 of Wings of Deception
“I dunno …” is all I manage to say because I close my eyes, trying to picture what Raphael suggests. We look happy, sharing her, but then I see a fissure form between me and them, one brought on by my episodes and regular distracted behavior. In the end, my baggage would only force her to choose, anyway.
“We don’t have to do anything yet. Archangels know there’s enough shit going on right now for us to be worrying about how she’ll take the suggestion, but I want you to know it’s on the table. There isn’t an angel alive that I’d rather share her with.”
“If she even agrees to it.”
Raphael nods. “If she even agrees.”
We both turn back to our books, but my mind is racing a million miles a minute. Suddenly, I think of the angel that glared at her during the assembly. Her house leader, Zeke.
Something tells me he’d want a say in our sharing her too.
Theweekendpassesbyin a blur of confusion and panic as the reality of our situation sinks in. Students huddle inside the library and common rooms, not bothering to venture outside like usual. Everyone is on edge, waiting for an attack to come wipe us out, and there’s safety in numbers, I suppose.
The impending doom doesn’t mean we get a break from classes, much to everyone’s dismay. Nor does it mean Harold the Herald takes a break from his weekly news report.
I eye the stack of papers piled at the entryway with a grimace.
After last week’s release chewed me up and spat me out, I almost don’t want to read it. With the curfew, I’ve had to spend more and more time away from my friends. Dina is here, of course, and she does her best to protect and support me, but I can’t expect her to stay with me twenty-four seven.
She might not be on a scholarship like I am, but her father has pretty damn high expectations of her. He’s a well-respected Pure with a Fallen daughter, and as much as he cherishes her in the public eye, behind closed doors he expects nothing but perfection. It hasn’t always been like this, but I guess he’s been more on edge lately with the demons swarming around the city and can’t handle any misstep, even from his daughter.
It’s hard to watch her struggle under the weight of his expectations.
Given all that, I can’t fault her for putting her studies first, even if I think she should relax too. She constantly supports me, so doing the same for her is the least I can do.
A few students rush to grab the newest edition of theSCU Weekly Observerand I cave, snagging a copy of my own before running up the stairs to my room. If something in this damn newsletter triggers me, I’ll have to deal with it alone, and I’d rather be safe in the confines of my bedroom than under a microscope in the common room. Bullies only want a reaction, and there’s no way in fucking hell I’ll give them one.
Once I shut the door, I head toward the bed and curl up to read.
Facing Demon Forces: Is There a Spy in Our Midst?
By Harold the Herald
Rising demon attacks have forced the students of Silver City University into a lockdown after the Assassins’ Guild expressed concerns. It would appear the creatures are becoming bolder, attacking more frequently, and, as is their assumption, heading directly for the school.
The students I spoke to on this matter sounded anxious and scared, but more than one brought up a rather unmistakable coincidence. Temperance Sweeney, a long-time friend of Seraphina Beckett, was the first to notice the shocking correlation. “I’m not the only one who thinks it’s strange that the demons have upped their attacks at the same moment Hayliel arrived here. They’ve never shown an interest in this glorious school before now, so one has to wonder if all they want is their beloved spawn back. Perhaps if we handed her over to them, they’d back off.”
Strong assumptions from Miss Temperance, but one can’t ignore the possibility altogether. Perhaps there is a connection the authorities should dig into, but that is not for me to say. Several other students agreed with Temperance, including Cadriel Hammerman, who shared a frightening personal interaction with the gray-winged student. “She attacked me and my friends at night, lunging for us from the shadows, and I barely escaped. It was like she blended in with the darkness, camouflaging herself like I’ve heard demons can. Authorities have warned we have a demon attack forthcoming, but I’m afraid it’s already started.”
In a rather unusual turn of events, I spoke with second-year student Gagiel Nisbet, who had an entirely different account of events. “Cadriel is as much of a cad as his name states. He and his friends were assaulting me, and Hayliel saved me from their wrath. She’s not a demon or anything else nefarious. Hayliel Gracelin is one of the kindest angels I know, and Silver City University is a far greater place with her in it.”
So, whose story is true? Are her gray wings only a defect, or are they the sign that demon blood runs through her veins?
Unfortunately, even I don’t have that answer. But I, along with all of you, look forward to finding out.
Despite the cruel words from Temperance and Cadriel, I can’t stop my lips from tilting upward in a smile. It’s no surprise that Temperance would try to get rid of me. She and Seraphina have been against my being here from the very start. And I knew Cadriel wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut about what transpired last week. Their comments I expected.
But Gagiel … his words catch me off guard and light a fire inside me I can’t ignore. Words and actions matter, and while I can’t do anything about my own circumstances, I can at least help others.
A knock on my balcony door has my head jerking at the unexpected noise. I barely use that entrance myself, though I really should make more of an effort to. Any chance to avoid the wary gazes of my housemates. Another knock reverberates through the door, and I consider ignoring it, hoping whoever’s out there will give up and leave, but then my slate pings.
Raphael: It’s only us, not a stalker.
I laugh and race to the door, throwing it open with a grin plastered on my face as my two friends bound inside.
“Wasn’t sure if you were going to open the door, sunshine,” Raphael says with a laugh.