Page 53 of Wings of Deception
“I’m sure they feel the same way. Let’s have dinner together with them.” She rolls her eyes at the look on my face before elaborating. “We’ll have a video call and eat together. I know it’s not the same as being in person, but it’s close enough for now.”
“I’d like that, actually. Thanks, Dina.”
“I got you, babe. Besides, I’m sure they’re dying to meet Raphael and Theo. Have you told them about your newfriendsyet?” She says the word friends like we’re teenagers talking about our newest crush.
“Not exactly.”
She throws a peanut at me.
“What am I supposed to tell them when I don’t even know what’s going on? It’s not like Raphael and I have even labeled things, and with Theo … Ithinkhe’s into me, and I want him to be, but what kind of person does that make me? I don’t want to be known as the girl who splits up friends.”
“Want my advice?” Dina asks, and I’m half tempted to say no, but I’m not a fool. I trust her judgment more than my own when it comes to angels of the opposite sex.
“Yes,” I reply, defeated.
“Let whatever is going to happen, happen. Stop trying to find motives behind every gesture and just let it be. You always get so worked up about the unknown, and that usually blows up in your face. If Theo and Raphael haven’t given you any reason to think they’re testing you or trying to get you to choose, then stop making them up in your head. Hell, babe, you saw the delicious fucking orgies that happened during the start-of-term party. Maybe your merry band of angels will surprise you.”
I can’t help the color that rushes to my cheeks at her words. An orgy? With Raph and Theo? I’d fucking expire on the spot.
“See? I knew that would interest you. And for your other admirer—”
“He’s not my admirer, Dina. He hates me.”
“There’s not a chance in fucking hell that angel hates you. I’ve seen the way Zeke glares at you across the common room. His eyes zero in on you like magnets whenever you’re near him. If he wants to be an ass, show him what he’s missing, because heismissing out on you. He needs to shape up or ship the fuck out.”
“Hear! Hear!” I salute her with the bottle of cider before taking a hefty swallow and passing it to her. Dina always knows how to cheer me up or shift my perspective. I’m not sure how I’ll show Zeke what he’s missing, or even if I’ll figure out how to stop stressing so much about Theo and Raph, but something settles inside of me as we sit atop the Tower.
“And what about you? Are there any angels holding your attention, or are you hoping to convince Professor Malik to tangle in the sheets?”
“Well, you know … he isn’t teaching me any classes this semester, so I could probably get away with it.”
I slap her playfully. “If you get expelled, Dina, I swear to the Archangels I’ll drop out.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Only in my dreams,” she says wistfully. “I’ve actually got my sights set somewhere a little more complicated, if you’ll believe it. Remember that throuple on the couch at the start-of-term party? Well, I want to be their fourth.”
I almost spit out my drink, and instead end up choking on it as I try to swallow it too quickly. “No fucking way. Dina, that’s incredible. When they let you join, I’m going to have a million questions.”
“Holy shit,” Dina replies, her voice trembling slightly.
“Alright, alright. I won’t ask you questions. Sheesh.” I’m too busy digging through the snacks for my next treat to catch her expression.
It’s only when I look up that I realize why her voice trembled. Along the horizon, a wave of darkness heads straight toward campus.
“Oh shit. Demons!”
It’sweirdbeinginthe Knowledge library without my usual companions. Hayliel told us that Dina had planned a girls’ day for them that was strictly no boys allowed, and Raph’s parents wanted him on constant video call since he wasn’t able to leave school grounds for his brother’s visit.
Instead of studying for midterms — because let’s be real, I could ace the tests in my sleep — I continue the search for Hayliel. We’ve almost made it through every non-fiction book in here, and I’m starting to doubt that we’ll find anything at all. But there must be other books somewhere. Despite the Archangels wanting the history books rewritten, it’s a rather rash move to destroy everything else.
I checked the library here for any mention of that book with the ripped-out pages, but it’s not here. Why would someone leave it in the Fallen library? Why would they rip out any pages at all? It doesn’t make sense.
A loud shout breaks through my thoughts, sending my nerves on high alert. Knowledge house is typically the quietest of the three houses. We thrive off information and are more than comfortable spending our weekends nestled up with a good book. As another sound hits me, this time a loud, high-pitched scream, I know something must be horribly wrong.
I make my way toward the tiny vertical windows in the far corner, hoping to catch sight of whatever the fuck is going on. Maybe it’s only a group of students playing by the water’s edge.Or maybe it’s something far worse.
My mind races, fear mounting as I press my face to the glass.