Page 23 of War
He paused and she waited for him to go on. When he didn’t say anything, she tilted back to see his face. He smiled and his eyes were twinkling.
“Honey, you’re nobody’s friggin’ princess.”
She smiled at his tone. She leaned up, sliding her hand through his hair to tilt his face down. She slid her lips close to his ear. “And don’t you forget it.”
She bussed his cheek. “Thanks for being there. We need to check on Bear and then figure out how the hell this happened and why. We have so many protocols and we missed something. Nothing makes sense. I have too many whys and not enough answers.”
“I agree. Let’s go.” His arm slid off her waist and it surprised her how much she missed it. She wasn’t ready to allow him a free pass for his behavior but in this moment, she’d let her guard down. Everyone deserved a second chance and maybe he’d changed his behavior. Maybe they could be co-workers without his animosity. His fingers entwined with hers as they walked down the hall. His approval felt right, and she wasn’t sure why but for now, she wasn’t going to question it.
She had too many other things to worry about, like how and why the client, who on the surface seemed like a political individual who wanted what was best for his country, would want her and Bear dead.
Tonight was one of those times it paid to work with your sisters who knew everything about you. Sarah had either heard something in her voice or had the same bad feeling. Things could have ended so differently if they hadn’t had backup. If the guy at the door would have eventually come in, she would have had to defend them and it’s possible even handcuffed, having to turn her attention toward the new shooter could have changed tonight’s outcome.
Walking in the room, she spied Rascal, Regina and Baron already in the waiting room. She walked over and hugged Rascal.
“Sorry I didn’t keep him safe.”
Rascal shook his head. “Girlie, you and I both know you’re the reason he made it to the hospital. You kept pressure on the wound and were ready to defend you both. Hell, for keeping my boy okay, your next tattoo is free.”
She smiled at his teasing. She hadn’t paid cash for a tattoo from him in years. She’d brought him pumpkin bread the first time she went in. After that, he’d only tattoo her if she brought him four loaves of it. She’d never actually paid for any of her tattoos in cash. When Roam had found out about the pumpkin bread, he’d asked for babysitting services in exchange.
“Do you know anything yet?”
“No. The nurse said they’ve taken him in to surgery and either she or the doctor would update us when they had more information.”
The doors to the stairs banged open as Winnie rushed into the room. Winnie was always happy go lucky and could find the positive in any situation. Tonight, she looked scared and worried. She’d wondered if her sister was interested in Bear and her demeanor right now was a huge red flag waving,I’m scared for my man.
“How is he?” she barked.
“In surgery. Come here, darlin’,” Rascal held an arm out and tugged her close as tears filled Winnie’s eyes. His arms enveloped her and patted her back. “I’m sure he’ll be his pessimistic, difficult self in no time at all.”
Bear was pessimistic but his pessimism came out in the best ways on a security job. He thought through all the worst-case scenarios and then they planned for them. Unfortunately, they’d never had a client request a secondary location and it was the one scenario they hadn’t considered.
“Family of Benton Carter?” a doctor questioned.
“I’m his dad,” Rascal answered.
“He came through great. No vital organs were damaged, but he’ll be kept overnight for sure. We’ll be watching for infection, but I see no reason he shouldn’t make a full recovery. He’ll be in recovery then you’ll be able to see him when he’s in his room.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
Now that she knew he was okay, she was heading to do a little more research into their client and ask some questions of the shooter. This wasn’t happening again, and she was finding out why he’d ordered it.