Page 4 of War
Chapter Three
“Oh, Remi, I think youhave an admirer in the Bluff Creek Brotherhood.”
“Shut up, Beth.”
“Whoa, I’m sensing a little animosity.”
“I am, too. Did the Prez get under your skin, Remi? He couldn’t take his eyes off you but then there was a lot of you showing tonight. More than I’ve seen in a while,” Winnie teased.
“You know, I’m wishing I was an only child right about now.”
“Eww, Rem, Win, I am deeply hurt. I always adored my big sister and she hurt my feelings saying she doesn’t want us around.”
“Beth, nobody wants your sarcasm right now.” Remington wished she could go back a couple hours and have one of her sisters play bait for their prey. She’d known she’d be pushing it but, in her mind, she’d hoped he’d see how she’d matured and maybe decide he didn’t need to tease her. She was irritated that she still cared what he thought.
Regina was probably ecstatic to have all her kids home. Baron had been ready for the next generation to run the MC and hadn’t wasted any time passing the MC to War. Baron was still active, but they wanted time to be grandparents to Roam’s kids. Honestly, the bitch leaving was probably best in the long run for Roam. She didn’t use that word lightly, but his wife had been a piece of work. Jealous of everything. I guess when you trap your husband by getting pregnant, you always assumed everyone was out to take him. Roam was one of the sweetest men she knew. A complete opposite from his irritating twin. If only she could be attracted to him. She adored his kids. She and her sisters had helped with the kids a couple of times until his wife had said she didn’t want their influence around. Her jealousy when she’d learned Roam had done a tattoo for her had been ridiculous. He was a genius with the tattoo gun. She only trusted him or Rascal to do her art. Each piece meant something to her, and no one was screwing it up.
The noise from her sisters’ chattering was giving her a headache. They always had her back but sometimes, she wanted a little peace and quiet. Working with each other day in and day out made for a lot of sister time but also time to get on each other’s nerves. Her dad had added on over the years to his compound to include houses for all of them as they got older. They all still met for breakfast in the main house and hung out but sometimes she needed a little calm plus she was a neat freak.
Being the closest in age, she and Sarah probably would have been best friends, but Winnie was the one she always turned to. She loved all her sisters, but she and Winnie could talk about anything. Winnie also knew how much Warrick had hurt her all those years ago. Her mom had understood but been practical. She’d told Remington boys would come and go and heartache was a fact of life. Winnie had been the one who held her in her room while she sobbed. It would have been so much easier to fall for Roam, but he was in the brother category. The thought of kissing him made her retch.
“Will you all shut up? You’re giving me a headache and we have an hour of driving before we drop off Mr. ‘I Forgot About My Bail Hearing.’ How about a little peace and quiet?”
She twisted the top off the drink Beth handed her. Maybe some liquid would help her headache. Then she’d need to disinfect herself after they dropped him off. She felt so dirty having her arm around him and her shoulders smelled of BO from being under his arm. Yuck. The things she did to catch a skip. She loved her job, just not all aspects of it.
Last Spring, when they’d used the dogs to find the skip from Kansas City, she’d adored the thrill of the chase. Her dad had brought them up in the business. He’d never made them work for him but they’d each fallen in love with the job. As the oldest, she decided with her dad which people to bond out and also coordinated their team for retrievals of skips. She also met with any of their prospective security clients. It was a part of the business she’d suggested adding. Business was phenomenal. Having female bodyguards for some of their female clients allowed it to look like they were just shopping or out on the town blending in. She found it a nice break from chasing skips. Each of her sisters had jobs which played to their strengths. If she had to stay in the office all the time, she’d go crazy. Which reminded her, she hadn’t checked in yet. Mr. Tall, Dark and Annoying had distracted her.
She hit one on her phone and waited.
“Code Monica. An hour out from drop-off.”
They’d all grown up watchingFriendsand had adopted their theme song as their own. When they had been reworking some things in the office, they’d come up with codes with their favorite characters. Code Monica meant everything was perfect and no injuries.
“No injuries except to Remi’s ego. War was there!” Winnie yelled from the back seat.
Sarah giggled. “I’ll wait for the report when you all get back.”
“Thanks. See you in a couple.”
She almost wished she’d stayed on the phone. Maybe if she concentrated on inconsequential things, she could wipe him from her mind.
At forty-three, she’d given up finding a man who could live with her lifestyle. Leaving at all hours of the night on a job stressed the relationship and being gone weeks at a time for a security gig wasn’t conducive to dating. Her shooting better than ninety percent of the men she’d dated had been the nail in the coffin in most of her relationships. If they couldn’t handle her being better than them, she wished them well and booted them out the door.
She longed to be like Winnie. As the third oldest, Winnie wasn’t looking for Mr. Right. She was enjoying Mr. Right Now—then she’d move on when she became bored. After her latest dating fiasco, they couldn’t even show themselves in their favorite bar in Dodge City. Winnie had dated all three of the brothers within a couple weeks of each other. Even though she wasn’t dating them at the same time, they took offense to her moving on so quickly. Now they had to hang out somewhere else until it wasn’t quite so fresh in their minds, which was inconvenient. She loved that bar. She could relax and let down her guard knowing the brothers who owned it would watch over them.
Too bad Warrick was such an ass, otherwise she’d consider taking him for a test drive. Who knew her nemesis could be such a turn on with his scruffy beard, toned arms and chest? Maybe if the right opportunity presented itself, she could take Tall, Dark and Built for a test drive because a lot of her books indicated hate sex was good and he certainly appeared as if he knew what he was doing. At six feet tall, she was the tallest of her siblings. Growing up at school dances, the boys’ faces had always been in her breasts. How nice it would be to have to look up for a change. She’d estimate he was easily six foot four. He might even be able to lift her onto a counter and there were so many things she dreamed of doing on a counter.