Page 50 of War
Chapter Twenty-Six
War kicked the chairwhen what he wanted to do was hit whoever was screwing with them. He sent a text telling his brothers that council was at four pm. They had a weekly meeting, but this would be their third after the burning of the gym. He knew most MCs called their weekly meetings church, but his mom had put a stop to that when she and Baron first got together. She actually volunteered at the local church and told Baron in no uncertain terms to pick another name. Because Baron adored everything about his woman, he’d of course taken it to his brothers and had changed it within a day.
He was relieved Remington and Roam were both fine, but he was frustrated with constantly playing defense. He and Remington had turned a corner and for the first time in his life, he craved spending time with a woman, his warrior woman. Small times together in the last couple weeks weren’t enough. He needed to neutralize the threat, but he’d have to figure out where it was coming from first.
Their little friend who they’d caught was currently hanging out in a special room Baron and his officers had built years ago. They hadn’t done anything with him yet besides keep him confined and feed him on a regular basis. War wanted him worried. He also wanted a couple more answers to his questions before he interviewed their friend. Since he didn’t have to follow the guidelines of the department, he could have a little latitude with how he did things.
He and the guys had brushed off Remington when she’d asked about him, but he wondered how long she’d be willing to be kept in the dark. He wanted them to be partners, but he wasn’t sure if partners meant full disclosure or would she need a little plausible deniability. He didn’t plan on killing the guy—just keeping him on ice until he could be used in the most advantageous way.
He’d pushed his bike to the limit getting to the tattoo shop when he’d gotten Remington’s text. They’d need to work on their communication.A little issue at the tattoo shop, giving my statement to the sheriffwasn’t enough. Was anyone hurt? Were shots fired? He’d even worked on memorizing their darn codes but no, his Remi hadn’t sent one of those, just some vague shit about an issue. When he’d walked in and seen her whole, his heart had finally started to slow down. He’d walked in, grasped her arms, and pulled her in tight, just holding on for a minute. He hadn’t cared he’d interrupted her statement. He’d had to hold her and feel she was okay.
Remington had shoved him out the door when he’d wanted to stay while she went through her statement for the fifth time. She’d promised to come by the clubhouse immediately after. He’d left a prospect with her even though she told him she could take care of herself. He felt better having someone else with her. Her sisters had left to go do what they did best—surveillance and digging into the woman’s life. The sheriff had taken the woman to their small Bluff Creek County Jail. Beth had texted that she already had surveillance set up. He'd been surprised to find out Noah had bought the building across from the jail years ago. Upstairs was a small apartment made specifically for surveillance on the jail. The lower level had previously been a law office but had been closed for years.
Even though he’d been scared when he’d received the text, he was thankful Remington had arrived when she had. He hated to think what could have happened to Roam. The drugs had been enough fentanyl to qualify for trafficking. As the owner, Roam would have been liable. Someone wanted them busy playing defense. Even though he knew to follow the leads, his inclination was that this was related to the other events. He should have been working the issue, going back over all the information, but he was wired. He couldn’t decide whether he wanted to go to the range to take out his rage or to go pound on a bag for a while. He’d obviously had rose-colored glasses when he imagined coming home to the MC. He’d envisioned leading his men and bringing scumbags to justice. Dealing with threats and feeling helpless hadn’t ever entered his mind.
He checked his phone again to see if Remi had texted she was done. He needed to hold her in his arms. She’d promised to talk with him. A click at the door had him pausing. Crap. Even in his own clubhouse, he was uneasy.
Remington walked in, glanced around the room, then turned and locked the door.
“I thought you were going to text when you were done.” His tone had her pausing, cocking an eyebrow. Okay, maybe he could have sounded a little less petulant. “Sorry.” Watching his parents, he knew you didn’t let that crap fester. He wasn’t too proud to apologize when he was an ass.
“I would have but I was so ready to leave, and I wasn’t alone. Roam rode his bike back behind my SUV. Is my man a little cranky?”
He loved her calling him her man but cranky sounded like he was a fucking toddler. He was frustrated, irritated and furious that Remington hadn’t been safe going to the tattoo shop. He slid the chair back, starting to stand, needing to feel her. Her palm on his chest pushed him back down.
Her lips cut off his question, taking his mouth, letting him experience her taste. Her hand sliding down his chest had him grabbing her back, trying to lift her onto him.
“Uh-uh,” she shook her finger at him. “I have something else in mind, Mr. President, to help you refocus.”
He nodded, waiting to see what she had planned next. He hoped it included him inside her because his dick was almost painful behind his jeans. Seconds in Remi’s presence and he was ready.
Her hands had his belt undone and his zipper opened. Her hand grasping him had him thrusting up toward her, sliding his jeans down along with his briefs. Her thumb ran along the underside, touching each of his Jacob ladder piercings. His eyes widened as she dropped to her knees.
“I’ve been wanting to taste you and I’m curious about how you’ll feel in my mouth. I assume you’re okay with me satisfying my curiosity?”
He nodded because he wasn’t sure he had enough moisture in his mouth to talk. Seeing Remington’s dark hair spill onto his thighs as she leaned close to him had him tensing. The first touch of her tongue on the underside of his shaft had him counting backwards, trying not to blow before she had him in her mouth.