Page 119 of Nothing Above
“Wrong Snow White.”
Her eyebrows wrinkle. “There’s another?”
“The Snow White Hibiscus.”
Finally, she opens her eyes, pinning them on mine. They’re still silver, like Brunia Berries.
“Is that a flower?”
“Mm-hmm,” I mimic her answer. “It’s a perennial. Pure white. Root-hardy. Intelligent. Patient.”
I brush some hair off her forehead, running my fingers through the damp strands until I hit a snag that Lex frowns at but doesn’t scold me for like she usually would. Multiple orgasms—that’s the key.
My schedule just got busier.
And hotter.
“What makes it intelligent and patient?” she asks.
“They’re slow to surface in the spring. So slow most gardeners either forget about them or assume they’re dead. But they’re smart enough, and patient enough, to wait for the perfect time to rise above the soil. It’s a surprise to everybody when they finally do.”
Lex stares at me intently, her eyes shifting between mine.
“And root-hardy? What’s that?”
“Over time they develop larger and larger roots, allowing for more and more flowers to bloom. Even though it may not look like it, the Snow White Hibiscus is a strong, resilient, survivor of a plant. Most of its strength is under the surface, out of sight.”
“Thanks,” she mutters.
I laugh, still careful to keep most of my weight off her.
“Speaking of flowers.” I nod over at the bunch of white Heather sitting on Lex’s nightstand, still held together by Phil’s wedding ring.
She avoids their general direction, telling me, “One of my coworkers gave those to me.”
A growl claws up my tongue, out between my lips before I can stop it. I know it’s dumb as fuck but just the thought of another man showing Lex affection pisses me off. Luckily not many do at the office. It’s weird. Everyone will walk by her office and stare at her through the glass, but no one ever goes inside to talk to her.
“You’re jealous of yourself.”
“I’m jealous of the air in your lungs,” I admit without an ounce of shame.
I kiss her collarbone, whispering against the thin skin, “Because you let it in.”
“That explains why you refuse to pull out.”
I hadn’t really thought about it like that before, but yeah, I do like knowing a part of me is still inside Lex even when I’m not. I like it a lot. I’ll pump her full of my cum every chance I fucking get from now on…if she keeps letting me, because that’s what’s really happening—Lexletsme come in her. Even when she’s not in charge, she is in charge. She knows that as well as I do. Both times we fucked, if she would’ve told me to pull out, I would’ve. It would’ve damn near killed me, but I would’ve listened to her.
“Shit.” Lex sighs, her rib cage under me deflating. “I still need to take the morning-after pill.”
“You don’tneedto,” I say, pushing myself up again.
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t. I already told you—”