Page 121 of Nothing Above
“Say that to me when your cock isn’t in my—”
I pull out of her, making both of us wince.
“I’ve never made a mistake that felt this right.”
With a shove to my shoulders, she tries to sit up, saying, “You’re still young. There will be plenty more.”
“You’re young, too.” I bear down on her, preventing her from going anywhere. She’s only one year older than me. She just presents older because she’s always had to.
“I can’t offer you what you’re looking for.”
“I haven’t even told you what I’m looking for.”
“You didn’t have to.” Her touch turns thoughtful as she trails her fingers up my arms, to my back. “It’s obvious.”
How is it obvious to her when it’s not to me? I don’t give myself the freedom to envision my future. Like Lex pointed out, it’s useless.
We remain staring at each other, our breaths drowned out by the fish tank’s steady thrum and sporadic burst of bubbles. Soon the goose bumps she’s creating on my body will start to spread to hers but not for the same reason. She’s been hot since I got here and she never stays hot for long.
“If this is all we have, then I’m stretching this moment to make it last.” Fisting as much of the comforter as I can reach, I fold it over my back, wrapping us in a blanket cocoon. I don’t particularly like fucking under any covers, but for Lex, I’ll do anything.
“We have until sunrise,” she says, gazing at me.
I grin as I settle myself on top of her again. “Before dawn’s when I do all my best work.”
I leave Lex’s house when the sky is just waking up, the horizon a seamless blend of pink to orange to blue. Without any more snow falling overnight I don’t need to worry about making a trail of footprints as I jog over to the woods and hike back down to my car. I haven’t gotten a wink of sleep and Lex barely any herself. I worked that pussy over until she was on the verge of hysteria. I knew women could come multiple times but I didn’t know there wasn’t a firm limit for how many times. It’s basically when the body can’t take anymore.
Lex’s reached that point about an hour ago. I finally let her pass out, but stayed awake myself, watching her instead. When I was sure she wasn’t going to wake up, I took a look around the house. The safe Kordin locked his laptop inside of isn’t as big as Cyrus’s, but it’s better as far as being theft-proof. It’s one of the best on the market for home safes. To open it, you need an electronic password and a thumbprint. Unfortunately, it’s too thick for me to drill through, and with anti-pry hinges and solid door bolts, I can’t break my way into it either.
I still think Kaisin is the key to figuring out what the fuck is really going on at Debrosse Group, so that’s where I’ll focus. The more I get to know Lex, the more convinced I am she has no idea her husband’s firm is a fraud. She’s already confessed her darkest sins to me and none of them stemmed from greed. I can’t picture her fucking over innocent, hard-working people just trying to survive in Fox Hollow.
If Kordin is involved somehow and I can find a way to prove it, I might be able to blackmail him into giving Lex a divorce and her mom’s house. Then, only after she’s off the hook, would I hand the info over to Cyrus. He’s planning on using whatever intel I give him to trick Lex somehow, but I’m not gonna let that happen.
Both men had their time with Lex but they didn’t appreciate it. That’s because they didn’t earn any of it.
Now I’m going to do everything I can to earn my time with her, because once it starts, I’m making it last forever.
I’m sitting at my cubicle, staring at the same form for the last hour and a half, wondering where the fuck Lex is. When I left her in bed this morning, I woke her up with a long kiss goodbye and a promise to see her later at work. She didn’t say anything to make me think she wouldn’t be in today, but here I am, at the firm, and she’s nowhere to be found. I’ve already checked her office a half dozen times, hoping I missed her come in this morning, but find it empty every pass by. I don’t know where she is, nobody else seems to know where she is, and the longer I sit here, the more I have to talk myself out of going in search of her.
Hearing Kaisin’s raised voice bark at one of the interns to get a double cappuccino, I shuffle the papers in front of me around, blankly studying whichever one lands at the top of the pile.
What if that undercover went up to Lex’s house after I left? Something about him being there rubs me the wrong way. I’ve ripped off a lot of people, and none of them, not even the hollows, ever got their own night patrol afterward.
Maybe Kordin hired him to keep an eye on his wife, make sure she’s not fucking around on him while he’s in the hospital.
The thought makes me grin.
Until Kaisin’s order comes back to me, then I scowl. He drinks green tea only. He told me all about it, as well as his reasoning, during one of our countless run-ins around this place. Kaisin’s always out of his office, wandering the halls aimlessly, talking to anyone that’ll listen. The guy bullshits more than works.
My mind goes to the person it’s been on all morning—Lex—but she likes her coffee as black as her outfits. So who’s the cappuccino for? As long as I’ve been here, Kaisin hasn’t met with any clients, or even a single prospect. I don’t know what the CFO actually does on a day-to-day basis, which is probably the point. Every evil mastermind needs a fall guy and Kaisin is the perfect scapegoat for Kordin. He’s in a prominent position with very little, if any, supervision; he’s in love with his brother’s wife; he resents him for marrying her; and most importantly, he’s stupid without being too stupid—just competent enough to not raise suspicions outright while still being believably incompetent in case shit goes sideways. Which means if something is passing through the cracks, it’ll be cracks Kaisin oversees.
I spin in my chair, eyeing Lex’s brother-in-law rushing around.
She’s been going after the wrong laptop all along. It’s Kaisin’s we need. He won’t have the same safeguards in place that Kordin would, because he may not even realize he needs them.
“What’s going on?” I ask him as I stand, tucking my hand in a pocket.