Page 143 of Nothing Above
Did I fall for her?
Rubbing the back of my neck, I press the base of my skull down onto the heel of my palm until both sting.
I don’t want her to end up in prison.
I don’t want her back under Cyrus’s thumb either.
I just want…
I think back to earlier, when I saw Lex coming out of her closet and she asked me if I needed anything. It was her.
And if I’m being just as honest with myself, it still is.
I don’t know how to protect Lex without wanting her, needing her…loving her.
Fuck. I did. I fell for her.
“Need anything before I leave?”
“No,” Kordin says automatically before looking up from his cell and doing a double take. He lowers the phone, face side down. “Where are you going?”
“The Wellness Den.” All weekend I’ve been cleaning up the aftermath from Friday night’s dinner party. The caterers may have taken away the leftovers and dishes, but they left the mess. Without Kordin helping, it took me all day yesterday and most of this morning. Because it’s Sunday, I’m lucky I was able to grab the last massage before they close early.
“You have to be a member to get in.”
“I know. I gave them your name.”
“And it worked?” he asks, surprise written across his face.
“Well, you are my husband.”
“I thought I canceled my membership there.”
How could that be true if Reagan Hull sees him there?
“Hmm, no.” I cock my head. “It was still valid during my last visit.”
The skin around his eyes crinkles.
“You’ve already been there?”
“I went for a massage while you were in the hospital.” I wait for a moment before adding, “That reminds me. I ran into one of your friends. Reagan Hull. She introduced herself to me.”
Kordin doesn’t say a word.
“Apparently her husband’s on the police force.”
My husband’s lips pull to one side as he half-laughs, the sound twisting my stomach. “Matthew Hull isn’tonthe police force, darling. Heisthe police force. In fact, he’s the chief of police.”
“Oh,” I say like this is news to me.
“I’m surprised you don’t remember. I introduced you to the Hulls years ago.”
No, he didn’t.
“Must’ve been during one of your bouts of brain fog.”