Page 155 of Nothing Above
Kordin’s closet is loaded with designer suits, diamond-encrusted watches, matching cuff links and tie bars, while Lex’s looks like it’s having an identity crisis. Half of her closet mirrors Kordin’s—high-price clothing, shiny jewelry, and enough pristine-condition purses to open a handbag store. One look at it and I can tell it’s the half that doesn’t get worn, not only because of the colorful hues but because all the price tags are still attached. The other half is made up of black items from nice but definitely less-expensive brands, and have Lex’s scent all over them.
Who buys the stuff on the untouched side? And why? It doesn’t make any sense why Lex would. She literally won’t wear any of it. Ever.
But it doesn’t make any sense why Kordin would either. In exchange to get Lex to agree to sex? He’s the one who only fucks her from the back. That’s not a burning desire you’ll do anything for; that’s a power move.
Like the one I just got done pulling on Lex.
In a stairwell.
During the workday.
No wonder she doesn’t believe we’re together. I don’t fucking treat her like we are. I fell for a liar, got pissed at her for lying, then punished her for more lies. After ignoring her all week, I fucked her from behind…just like her piece-of-shit husband does.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
If I want her to fall for me, I have to earn it. I have to earn everything, including her trust.
After checking the rest of the house, I return to their bedroom, taking it all in again. Like everything else in this place, the primary could pass as a display in a furniture store. Nothing is out of place except for the rolling suitcase at the end of the bed. The top of Kordin’s nightstand has an alarm clock while Lex’s is empty. Ever since Kordin’s been back, it’s been free of anything personal, anything that might bring her joy.
What’s she planning on doing with her stolen millions if she barely even spends the legitimate money she’s making now? It can’t all be for her mom.
She barely spends the legitimate money she’s making now.
Lex didn’t buy that over-the-top neglected wardrobe. She wouldn’t have. She doesn’t even buy herself nice things she likes, let alone nice things she doesn’t. Kordin showers her with expensive shit to back up his claims of her being materialistic.
If Kordin viewed Lex as an angel, her robbing his company would blindside him. But at the same time, if she’s as high maintenance as he makes her out to be, her greed wouldn’t surprise anybody. And with her past…
Son of a bitch. Kordin Debrosse is framing Lex, a former fox stripper, for embezzlement.
It wasn’t Cyrus who set it up. It was Kordin. After hearing Kaisin talk about her, he went to The Playground and plucked her right off the stage to be his scapegoat. He knew that if Kaisin—his CFO—felt that strongly for their portfolio manager, his brother would authorize anything she submitted to him. Any invoices for any amount of money, of course he’d approve it, no questions asked.
Lex has to know about the embezzlement. She has to. She was desperate to get Kordin’s laptop. Desperate enough to invite Cyrus back into her life.
Does she know she’s being set up though?
I just went through every inch of this house and there’s nothing in it to even hint at Kordin’s setup. He’s too smart to leave evidence around the person he’s framing. He’s too smart to leave evidence around, period. That’s why he keeps everyone at the firm away from Lex. He’s isolated her so no one could figure it out, figureherout.
His only mistake was trusting a CFO so dumb he’s actually smart. Kaisin unknowingly created proof the moment he took pictures of those invoices and emailed them to himself.
Lex would only know that if she hacked her brother-in-law, which she didn’t. If she knew how, she would’ve hacked Kordin to begin with.
Which means she was lying her ass off earlier. Not only did she not let Kordin fuck her, but she didn’t find anything incriminating either.
If I want to earn her trust, I’ve gotta come clean and tell her everything.
Cracking my knuckles, I eye the suitcase.
I’m guessing she didn’t demand a luxury resort either. Kordin probably did as a way to keep tabs on her. He’s shipping Lex off to the mountains for the weekend, all alone, with spotty cell service. He needed to know exactly when she’ll arrive and when she’ll leave, and some privately owned cabin wouldn’t provide the same information a fully staffed resort could.
She’ll be alone.
With a valid excuse for being inaccessible.
All she needs to be physically present for is check-in and checkout.