Page 191 of Nothing Above
“What do you think? Would you ever live out here?” I ask, breaking the silence.
Focused out the glass, she says, “A house away from everybody?”
“With a brook on the property, a vase of flowers on the counter, and a punching bag in the living room?”
Despite her teasing tone, or maybe because of it, I smile. “Don’t forget the smut on the shelves and a skylight over the bed.”
She finally tears her attention away from the scenery to glance my way, her eyebrows pinched. The skylight is my thing, but it should be hers, too.
I nod ahead of us, explaining, “For the moon and the snow. You like both.” And now so do I. “I told you we were alike. You want to live out here just as much as I do.”
Her knee begins jumping, so I place my right hand on her thigh, my fingers curling around the curve until the nervous tic stops.
“Do you know what your ring’s made of?”
“Only what you told me…broken promises.” Not that I believe her.
“Black diamond.”
“A fucking diamond?” I study my hand on top of the steering wheel, the band almost sinister-looking against my skin.
“It’s formed by immense pressure and heat over a long period of time. The only thing that can ever scratch it is another diamond. Like may attract like, but like also destroys like.”
She fixes her gaze on the windshield, the wipers working at max speed to clear the glass.
“Snow?” I say after a while.
“If your scratches destroy me, draw my death out. Make it as long and brutally painful as you can.” I’ll go into the ground smashed, slashed, and having lived out a fantasy worth dying for. What better ending is there?
“You’re a masochist.”
“Only for you.”
Her lips form a small smirk, then she shakes her head, muttering, “Exhausting.”
I’ll show her exhausting.Thenwe’ll talk, because that’s the best way to get through to Lex. And because…she does hold the power to destroy me. Not because we’re alike, but because with every breath she takes, I feel myself falling deeper and deeper in love with her. I told her all she had to do was breathe but I left out the most important part. I need her to breathenear me. If she runs, she won’t be anymore. So I’m hoping, I’m fucking praying, that after several orgasms, she won’t have the energy to even try.
All four tires powering through the foot and a half of undisturbed snow, we make it up the steep incline to the cabin without incident.
“Are you ready to read me my bedtime story?” Lex asks once we’re inside, shoes off at the door and placed in the provided boot tray.
“I’ll read to you, but you’re not going to bed anytime soon.”
I don’t miss her eye roll as she turns away. Catching her with an arm around her middle, I heave her off the floor and carry her to the bedroom, tossing her onto the bed so she’s staring up at me, another smile teasing her lips.
“Strip,” is all I say.
“You can’t afford me.”
“I’m not trying to buy you, Lex.”
I’m trying to keep her. Forever.
I can’t tell her that though. At least not yet.