Page 193 of Nothing Above
Her damp eyes locked on my even damper ones, Lex says, “Be sweet.”
“You never want me to be sweet.”
“Tonight I do.”
Sealing my lips to hers, I rock my hips back and forth instead of thrusting up and down because just the thought of leaving her in any way right now, even an inch, a half-inch, a quarter, is unbearable.
Lex returns her hands to my body, one on my shoulder blade, the other under my ass, her nails burrowing under the skin in both spots as she clutches me to her. Crossing her legs and hooking her ankles behind me brings us closer, so fucking close we’re one.
Eyebrows crushed together painfully, air pours through my nose, my exhales growing as heavy as my balls.
Fuck, I love her. I love her when she’s hurting me. I love her when she’s hurting, because she is, always. We all are. We just bury our pain like we bury our dead—in the same soil we resent but do nothing to change.
I want to change. I want to change it all. For her.Withher. And I’m going to. Tomorrow. Tonight is about confronting our pasts to understand our present. Tomorrow we’ll figure out a way to have a future—together because the only life I want is with her in it.
I tell her everything I’m feeling, physically, emotionally, all of it.
Lex comes first, with me following right after, then I tuck her against my side and press a kiss to her white hair, telling her, “Sleep, Snow White.”
We stay wrapped up in each other’s arms until Lex passes out. Just before I drift off, I realize I don’t care if I ever feel okay again. As long as I have this, haveher, I’m better than okay.
Acrunching noise pricks my ears, sending awareness throughout the rest of my body like an electric current. With around two feet of snow outside, if not more by now, crunching means something’s out there, walking on it. Something…
Or somebody.
I stretch the arm under Lex’s pillow to reach for my Glock without waking her.
My hand feels around the smooth surface of the nightstand, finding fucking nothing. Shit!
I open my eyes to see Lex’s already on mine.
Before I can say a word, she brings my gun up to her lips, silently shushing me with its barrel.
Holding the sheet over her tits with her other hand, she sits up, saying loudly, “Some things never change.”
Oh fuck. Did she find—
A man using a cane steps out from behind the wall, filling the bedroom’s doorway, and I snap to sitting, too, my heartbeat pounding in my ears.
Cyrus stares back at me before shifting his gaze to Lex…and the thin sheet covering her naked body.
Goddamn it.
What is he doing here? How did he find us? Was it that kiss in town? Did someone recognize Lex? Us?
“Smile, Lexi. You don’t seem happy to see me.”
“I’m not,” she says emotionlessly.
“Don’t fucking smile,” I murmur to her, loud enough for Cyrus to hear.
A beat of tense silence passes before he waves a hand at Lex. “Some things do change. I see you’re not wearing head-to-toe sweats to bed anymore. Did the hollow get you to kick the habit? Or was it my employee’s doing?” He jabs a finger in my direction.
“Mmm.” Lex doesn’t waste time acting surprised at Cyrus’s bombshell about my identity, just answers him with, “I did it myself. It was fairly easy once I was out of your house and no longer sleeping in a room with a pedophile standing in the corner, tugging on his cock.”
Now I’m looking at Lex, too. Cyrus did that when she lived with him?