Page 198 of Nothing Above
Judging from the tracks in the snow, it was Cyrus and two others—not just the one outside the window—who got out on foot. They left in either an SUV or truck they had waiting on the road coming up here. They’re gone though. They’re gone, leaving us alone again.
Again? Were we ever alone? Was Cyrus following me the whole time? Lex? Was he following her?
I don’t fucking know!
I take a swing at a tree trunk, the bark tearing the skin on my knuckles open, but I don’t feel it.
Jogging back to the cabin, I lean against the cold metal of the Explorer, drop my head in my numb, bleeding hands, and breathe.
Air in, air out.
Air in, air out.
No matter how hard I try getting oxygen to my lungs, I don’t feel any make it past the lump in my throat.
After everything that happened this weekend, it’s all gone. Done. Right back to square fucking one. I should’ve told her when we first got here. I should’ve told her last weekend when I found the invoices. I should’ve fucking told her.
Then we wouldn’t have been fucking blindsided. And we would’ve been able to come up with a plan. A better one than…
What is the plan? Pay Cyrus hush money…then what? What about Lex? What about me and my family? None of us will be safe just because Cyrus gets another ten million dollars added to his stash. He’s already got more than that at his warehouse.
And now he’s got my flash drive, which without knowing what he’s looking for…
He doesn’t know what to look for. He doesn’t know what’s on it. Nobody does. Not even…Lex?
I yank the passenger door open, and with my bare hands, pry off the cover for the blind spot mirror mounting nuts. I used a screwdriver to do it earlier but I don’t need to worry about damaging it anymore. Cyrus would’ve had the whole car searched and cleared first thing.
Due to the current freezing conditions, the flash drive is half hanging from the plastic I taped it to on Friday.
Stomping up the porch steps, I go back inside, my eyes sweeping Lex—dressed and sitting on the counter, facing the front door like she’s waiting for me—then the rest of the cabin. Just like the Explorer, Cyrus checked the whole cabin without leaving a single hint he was even here. My laptop is still in the same place it was before. Nothing else is moved, broken, or new, but something in here is different. Something’s missing.
Past Lex is the knife block. There were seven in it when we got here; now there’s six.
She took one. She’s getting ready to run. Why hasn’t she yet? There are a number of windows in this cabin she could’ve fit through while I was outside.
Maybe because she knows as well as I do, it’s time.
“We need to talk,” I tell her, my tongue and skin itchy. I want to tear it all off until all that’s left is my core, so she can see—canfeel—I’m not the enemy. At least not hers.
She doesn’t react, just continues staring at me quietly.
“First, you were not my assignment. You werenevermy assignment.”
The only response she gives is a clipped, “I know.”
That’s one thing cleared up.
“Why didn’t you tell me you knew what Kordin was doing?” I ask next.
“Why didn’t you tell meyouknew?”
“I thought I was protecting you.”
“Protecting me? From what?”
“Cyrus. I knew he’d do this.”
“That’s precisely why you should’ve told me.”