Page 211 of Nothing Above
“How does it work out for them?” Promise asks with a heavy dose of cynicism.
“They’re apex predators.” I pick up Cyrus’s cane and study the fox head handle, before saying, “Come on. We’ve got work to do.”
Out in the main area, Cat and several other dancers are stationed around the room, hands hidden behind their backs as they watch for my signal.
I twirl the cane and they all pull out their guns, a few pointing them directly at bouncers, others just letting it be known they hold the power now.Wehold the power.
I climb on to the bar to shout, “Can I have everybody’s attention, please?”
The music cuts off, amplifying the sharp inhales produced as more and more people notice Cyrus’s cane in my hand. I won’t openly admit to killing Cyrus, but I’m not going to hide the fact that he’s dead either.
“The Playground is officially closed!”
“For how long?” a customer calls out to me.
Another man speaks up, grousing, “Where are we supposed to get—”
“Somewhere else. Anywhere else. Settle your tabs, leave generous tips for the services you were provided, then get the fuck out.” I scan every dancer’s face, promising each one of them, “Fox Hollow is now under construction.”
Breckyn saw what I couldn’t. Change is possible, even in Fox Hollow…as long as someone’s willing to lead it. I never considered being that person until Cyrus threatened them right in front of me. She shouldn’t have to move away to survive. Nobody should. Reece and his family don’t deserve to pay for my sins or my husband’s, and now they won’t have to. Should I wind up in prison, the Souza women will be safe. My mother will be safe. Reece will be safe.
Their fates are more important to me than my own.
The two bouncers from out front appear, Adie behind them, brandishing a gun at their backs as she prods them forward.
I have to deal with them. I have to deal with all of them. Cyrus employed a lot of people. While most will be happy with this turn of events, some might not be.
The entire community will feel Cyrus’s death. Yes, the evil crime lord is gone but so are the incomes he was providing. However measly those paychecks may have been, they were still paychecks.
Since Cyrus was clearly keeping most of the profits for himself, once I dispense that money to the people who rightfully earned it, hopefully that’ll help until I can figure out what the next step in Fox Hollow’s rehabilitation is.
My stomach clenches painfully, causing me to involuntarily bend at the waist. Getting to me knees, I’m asking one of the bartenders for water when I start to heave.
Cat rushes over and shoves a bowl under my face, catching the bile my body’s suddenly hellbent on expelling.
“Don’t tell me it’s guilt,” she grumbles.
Scoffing, I assure her, “It’s not.”
“Well, you got something to share then? Did that hollow finally get around to knocking you up?”
I squeeze my eyes shut. I never took the pill. I was so caught up with everything else going on, I never actually took it.
“Lexi?” She nudges my shoulder, but I shake my head, doing the math in my head.
It could be the cuts in my mouth from the blade.
It could be the lack of sleep over the past couple days.
It could be the return of my anxiety.
It could be—
Vomit surges out of me.