Page 222 of Nothing Above
Barely above the cicadas’ horrific squawking, I hear the judge bellow, “All court hearings are adjourned until further notice!”
The strike of his gavel sends goose bumps along my skin.
Kordin’s not making bond today. Hopefully not at all. The less time he’s out and free to alter the case, the better.
It’ll take at least a day to fumigate, then another three for the toxins to clear. By the time it’s safe for humans to enter the building again, he’ll get a different judge, one he’s not friends with.
All around me spectators pour into the aisle, but making sure I keep Kordin’s gaze, I calmly purse my lips together and blow him the last kiss he’ll ever get from me.
Blinking, I spin on my heel and let the surge carry me away from the thousands of cicadas we unleashed on a system that’s been infested long before today.
Two blocks away, I reconvene with Cat and the others. Everyone’s still dusting themselves off, making sure no cicadas hitched a ride on our clothing.
“That was disgusting,” Promise says with a shiver.
“Really?” Cia says. “I thought it was kind of beautiful.”
“Did you get the file onto the prosecutor’s table?” I ask Cat.
“You know I did.”
Now the prosecutor has everything I managed to find at Summit Enhancements. After touring the yoga studio on the seventh floor, I pulled a fire alarm, then wandered down a floor to do some digging. What will happen to Reece going forward, I don’t know.
We start walking down the sidewalk toward my Range Rover.
“Who do we know doing time upstate?”
“Upstate?” Cia asks.
“The clink,” Promise answers for me before saying, “Andweknow lots. Jailbirds love sending me letters, so many the post office made me rent a bigger PO box.”
“I have my fair share of exes serving time,” Adie adds. “Why?”
“I’m just thinking ahead. He might need protection in there.”
Even with the new evidence—the correct evidence—Reece may very well be facing time behind bars, and if I can find out which facility he’ll be at, I’ll do everything I can to ensure he’s protected in there.
“For the hollow?” Cat asks, heavy on the condescension.
I shake my head. “For Reece.”
“Our Reece?” Cia asks, making a laugh knock around in my chest.
“Not your Reece.MyReece.”If he’ll still have me.
Cat snorts while Promise tells me, “We can make that happen. Just need approval for a conjugal visit—”
“No.” I pull up short, making the others stop, too. “We’re no longer in the trade business. If we find someone who can help us, we pay them with cash. Our bodies are not our currency anymore.”
With a knowing smile, Cat asks, “What are they?”
“Ours,” I answer, a shiver that has nothing to do with nerves or hormones or men in general runs up my spine.
“Hell yeah.”
“We can still fuck men, right?” Adie asks after a moment, and this laugh I let out.
Our minds have always been our strongest assets—not our pussies like men would have us believe—and if we put them together, we can be unstoppable.