Page 239 of Nothing Above
“What kind of witch are you?” I ask Lex since I know my family would’ve educated her on the different types by now.
She answers without pause. “Red.”
“You bleed on the full moon?”
She nods.
That means she’ll be ovulating soon.
I’ll have her pregnant in no time.
Charlie, sitting on the floor and getting her hair “brushed” by Primrose, raises her hand, saying she’s available. Next to her is a punching bag, not right in the middle of the living room, but off to the side. Lex was right. If I hadn’t been in such a hurry to find her last night, I would’ve noticed this place is exactly what we talked about. I haven’t seen the shelves of smut yet but I know they’re here somewhere. And they better not be wrapped up in paper.
Lex tells them both, “We’ll do it.”
She arches an eyebrow at me.
“I don’t know how to…”
“Swim? I’ll teach you.”
“No, not swim. Be…” Primrose’s dad. A Mommy and Me participant. Out in the free world.
My skin itches and I feel hot trying to explain it.
“I’ll teach you that, too,” Lex promises.
“You don’t know what I was gonna say.”
“I don’t need to. I’ll teach you anything you need me to.”
I used to be the one willing to take on the world for her just so I could show it to her. Now the roles have reversed and she’s the one offering me unconditional support.
“I don’t know. I’m a…convict.” I have a lot of shit I have to unlearn, including walking, talking, and behaving like someone serving time.
Lex moves around the counter, positions herself in front of me, and drapes her arms around my neck.
“I don’t want to hide you. Not here. Not anywhere. In private or public, in the dark or light, I want to treat you the same. Like you’re mine.” She seals the same vow I once gave her by brushing my lips with hers, then pulls back and adds, “Because you are.”
This is exactly what I wanted—to touch her, gaze at her, openly flirt with her,loveher—and it’s better than I ever could’ve imagined.
Staring into eyes like Snow in Summer foliage, I realize what it is that affects Lex’s eye color. It’s not the lighting. It’s her moods.
“What’s that term that means better than happy? The one my sister used?” She never told me.
Those silver eyes break from mine to glance at Breckyn, then they return, an easy smile both in them and under them.
“Nothing above.”
The night before/morning of his arrest
After disarming the alarm, I flip on the lights, instantly illuminating the back room of Silvy’s. Floral arrangements cover every available surface, some even on the floor. My mom’s busy on a consistent basis. She has no slow times.
With no one in here to make noise or cause distractions, I can hear it—the gunshot that left me fatherless. The blast rings through my ears just like it did that day, except this time, I welcome the closure it brings.