Page 25 of Nothing Above
“The hollow life?” I question, because there’s no way Lenox is in love with Kordin. I might’ve believed she was before tonight, but not after seeing her shed the innocent-suburban-housewife act with my own eyes.
My cock twitches at the reminder.
Cutting my thoughts short, Promise surprises me by saying, “Freedom.”
I frown. Is Lenox free? It didn’t sound like it to me. How could she be free while being shackled to a man who comes and goes as he pleases with nothing and no one to hold him accountable for the shit he does outside his marriage?
Unless she… Does she cheat on him, too? She could’ve with me just now—easily. I would’ve torn that gown apart the second she gave me the okay. Fuck smelling me. I wanted to bury my cock in her so deep she’d betastingme. But she didn’t give in. Although her pussy was slick the entire time I was between her thighs, she kept it to grappling.
Grappling that got me harder than I’ve ever been in my fucking life.
“Cyrus is coming.”
Promise’s whisper hits my ears a second before Cyrus’s voice booms, “Reece, there you are,” so I drop my hands just in time. Does she pick up people’s scents like Lenox?
“I heard you were skulking around here somewhere.”
Rolling my shoulders back, I turn around to face my boss, telling him, “I was looking around for you, but it seems you’re in high demand tonight.”
Promise makes some sort of noise I can’t decipher, so I don’t try, only focusing on our boss.
Cyrus walks right up to me, the use of his cane making his gait slow and uneven but no less threatening, then stops when the toes of our shoes are touching.
His graying hair’s pulled back in a short ponytail, the sheen of the thin strands either from sweat or product, I’m not sure, but his scalp is starting to show beneath, making the entire hairstyle look desperate, depressing, and ugly as fuck. He has enough money for hair plugs but because he has pussy on tap, I guess he thinks he doesn’t need to invest in them. He should anyway. He looks like a Clematis seed head.
“You a hollow now, Reece?”
Promise sold me out. That’s why she’s making strange sounds. Did she give up Cia, too?
I start to tell him, “I didn’t—” when he cuts me off.
“Hollows seek, foxes find.”
Cyrus cups the back of my neck and closes the distance until we’re nose to nose.
“So which is it? Are you a hollow now? Or are you still a fox?”
Promise speaks up, her voice all professional courtesy, nothing like it is when she’s talking to me when I’m by myself. “Boss? I have a—”
“Does it look like I’m talking to you, bitch? Unless you’re sucking or selling, your trap should be shut so tight an ant couldn’t piss between those cock suckers of yours.”
Air flows through my nostrils loudly, louder than my heart pounding against my ribs.
“You a hollow?” he repeats to me, both his silver canines glinting as he bares his teeth.
I try to shake my head, but Cyrus jerks me forward, our noses bumping together.
“I asked you a question. Are you a fucking hollow?”
“No,” I grit between clenched teeth.
He moves his other hand up to my temple and presses his thumb into the newly formed bump there.
Blinding sparks of pain burst in front of my eyes like fireworks on the Fourth of July, blurring Cyrus’s face. After another moment, he pushes me away from him, sending me backward.
“Put me in a room before I get this twat’s blood everywhere,” he tells Promise, wiping his thumb on his slacks.
“Five Lost is open,” she rushes to say, eager to get back on our boss’s good side.