Page 51 of Nothing Above
Forgive her? For what? Trying to suffocate me numerous times? Getting me to jerk off in her office on my first day here? Firing me twice? Throwing away my gifts right in front of my face without so much as a thank-you first? Immediately saying no to the first and only favor I’ve ever asked anyone in my entire fucking life? Or plowing into me just now?
The grin she gives reaches her cheeks, then her eyes—that are now green—transforming her entire face. Her hand squeezes my already flexed arm briefly before releasing the muscle altogether.
And just like that, Lex’s slate is wiped completely clean. One goddamn smile and all’s fucking forgiven.
“Once I’m on a mission, I put blinders on to everything else around me.”
We stare at each other as I try to decide if her words have a double meaning.
“It’s okay.”
That grin disappears without a trace, like it was never there to begin with, then Lex spins on her heel, leaving me to watch her long curls sway side to side down her black dress cinched at the waist with an oversized belt.
Was it there?
Later, at my cubicle, I reach into my pocket for the business card Kaisin gave me, and a black square sticky note comes with it. Written in white marker is an address I’ve never been to before. One quick search on my phone tells me exactly what it is though—a high-end boutique.
Lex did it. She got me in.
But how did the note—
The hallway collision, the arm squeeze, the grin I couldn’t take my eyes off of. She was distracting me, and probably anyone watching, as she slipped the note into my pocket. She did a reverse-pickpocket…subtly.
Damn. Lex can deny it all she wants, but she’s still got a hell of a lot of fox in her.
The elevator doors slide apart, the cloying scent of disinfectant threatening to knock me back ten years.
The police officer assigned to Kordin’s room stands at the sound of my heels clicking against the vinyl flooring, his crossword puzzle dropping behind him to his chair in his haste.
“Mrs. Debrosse.”
Already wearing the concerned expression I practiced on the drive over here, I press my free hand to my chest, openly staring down at the four empty cups lined with dried tan splotches of what I discovered yesterday is French vanilla coffee that he gets from the cafeteria downstairs.
“Officer Tyler, please tell me you were able to go home for a decent night’s sleep?”
“No, ma’am. I mean, yes, ma’am,” he stammers.
“Well, which is it?”
“There’s another officer for the night shift, so I did get to go home.”
“Thank heavens.” I drop my hand, tucking this new bit of info away. I knew there had to be at least one other guard, but I didn’t have solid confirmation it was just the two providing Kordin with round-the-clock security. Any time I’ve visited, only Officer Tyler’s been here.
“It’s just…you asked if I got a decent night’s sleep, but I didn’t.”
“Oh.” I give him an appraising look that colors his cheeks. Even though there aren’t any rings on his fingers, I lower my voice to ask breathily, “Did the wife keep you up?”
Reece doesn’t wear a ring either and he’s engaged, about to be married. To a “twelve.” At least that’s the rumor swirling around the firm.
Reece could have a family as well. Or just starting one. That’d explain why he’s in a rush to get wedding attire, if he had to move the date up suddenly.
My own cheeks heat.
The cop misreads the blush and smiles, revealing a chipped front tooth.
“No, ma’am. I’m currently unattached.”