Page 59 of Nothing Above
“I already told you I didn’t touch you while you were sleeping.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
I sit forward and tell her, “Because if I touched you, no other man would be allowed to. Not Kaisin, not Phil, not even Kordin fucking Debrosse.”
After a stare-off neither of us rushes to break, she lifts a hand nonchalantly and says, “Judging by what happened yesterday, it must be true. You didn’t touch me.”
“What happened yesterday?” Did someone try something with her? I’m leaving after her from now on.
“I visited my husband, and without the tube in his lung anymore, he was more…himself.”
I almost fucking laugh. A tube in his chest. I hope I popped his lung enough to cause long-term damage. I hope I—
“Which led to… Well, I’m sure you can put the pieces together yourself,” Lex says, ending my amusement.
“What? Did he fuck you from the back like he always does?” I should’ve broken both his legs and arms, then he wouldn’t have been able to do anything.
If my arms and legs were out of use, I’d have Lex saddle up and ride my cock. Or sit on my face and ride my tongue.
No, not or.And. I’d have her sit on my faceandthen my cock. I’d let her do it all.
Shit, I’d let her do it allwithfull use of my limbs.
“How do you know about that?”
“Kordin bragged about his favorite position with you.”
Her cheeks get a bit of color to them, not quite red, more of a pinkish tinge like a Cherry Blossom kiss to her milky-white skin. I want to watch as that blush spreads—everywhere—but not from talking about another man.
Ignoring my heavy inhale and even heavier exhale, she nods at the book and flower. “What would your fiancée think about these, rookie?”
Fully fucking riled now, I counter, “What would your husband think about you finger-fucking yourself for me, Snow?”
Shit. The nickname just came out.
I scramble to think of something other than the inspiration behind it.
“You’re as cold as snow, and twice as fucking beautiful,” I admit, then lock up my muscles, fucking pissed at myself for complimenting her. The last thing Lex needs is another compliment. All she probably hears are compliments.
She cracks what I’m pretty damn sure is the first real smile I’ve seen touch her lips.
I’m fucking hypnotized by it, my voice not even sounding like my own as I rasp out, “You should smile more often.”
Lex’s smile vanishes, and with a quick kick, she sends both items I bought her over the edge of her desk, the crash of them landing in the trash can breaking my fucking stupor.
“What the fuck was that for? I paid—”
“Please. I’ve used toilet paper more expensive than that shit.”
“That shit? They’re called fucking gifts.”
“They’re evidence. Use your head.”
“Evidence of what? We’re not fucking.”
“Do you think your fiancée would believe that? Do you think a judge would?”