Page 66 of Nothing Above
Our eyes connect and hold.
People coming and going bump us from both sides, so I cage her in against the wall, putting my body between hers and everyone else’s.
She peeks up at me with an arched eyebrow, and I shake my head.Whatever. If this makes me sweet, then so be it. I’m motherfucking sweet.
“What’s your real last name?”
She scoffs.
“What causes these?” I ask, grazing one of her wrists with my fingertips. Aside from my first day there, Lex always has them covered up at the firm.
“From the poles?” When Lex just blinks, I explain, “I’ve seen similar marks on some of The Playground girls.”
“Yeah,” she finally says.
“So, what are we doing here?”
“Bonding apparently,” she deadpans, making me grin.
“What are we doing here?” I repeat with a jerk of my chin.
“You…” One of her hands touches my abs, pressing, not hard enough to make me move, but enough to let me know she’d like me to. “…lack patience.”
I lower myself until our faces are only inches apart.
“How’s that for patient?”
Despite her lips touching, the smallest hint of laughter somehow hits my ears.
“Do that again.”
That mouth dips into a frown before Lex says, “If he asks, you didn’t see me.”
I follow her gaze to find Kaisin coming out of the men’s room.
Pushing off the wall, I scan up and down the hall. She’s gone. Completely gone. Out from under me and into thin fucking air.
“You made it,” Kaisin says with a clap on my back that makes my skin prickle. He’s got a ring of white dust on his right nostril and his pupils are dilated to shit. “I wasn’t sure your fiancée was gonna let you out.”
I give him a cruel smirk.Still not a fucking dog.
We go to the bar where Kaisin gets us a round, then he leads me to another hallway guarded by a stocky bouncer. Kaisin only nods at him as we pass a sign for VIP.
A long time ago, this place used to be a maximum-security prison, but the conditions were so bad, it got condemned. Someone snatched up the building several years back for a fucking steal and gutted the inside, giving it a remodel before eventually turning it into a lucrative dance club. They kept the jail theme going throughout, right down to the name—The Pen, short for penitentiary.
The long hall we walk down is made up of frosted glass walls with floor-to-ceiling bars and colored lights streaming up from the floor to highlight them. Different body parts press up against the glass from the other side as we pass. By the time we reach the end of it, I’m on the verge of becoming hard as a fucking rock…until we walk in on a group of people I wasn’t expecting to see again until Monday.
“Surprise!” they all cheer in unison.
Kaisin grips my shoulder, yelling, “It’s your bachelor party!”