Page 3 of Hiding from the Truth
Ihaven’t talked to Ivie much since the morning after we went out with Tate and Sterling. She knows I’m hiding something from her. I’m hiding two things, actually.Three, the voice in my head nags.
The third thing is more recent and not exactly a secret.I could see myself with Tate Marks.Ivie could tell I was enamored by him instantly. She also warned me he doesn’t do commitment. That’s something I can’t accept. It makes me wonder why. What happened in his life to make him not want a real relationship?
It’s none of my business. I can’t get involved with him anyway. I have too much baggage. I need to push the thoughts of him out of my head, no matter how tempting he is. He can’t be mine, and he wouldn’t want to be, no matter how good it felt to be in his muscular arms.
The second thing is a huge secret I’ve had since high school. It’s the secret that changed my life forever and the way I see the world. I know one day it’s bound to be revealed. I just don’t know who will tell it. Will it be me or Rhett, or maybe even someone else?
As it turns out, Rhett Davis is my biological father, making Ivie my half-sister. She’s been my best friend my whole life. I’m afraid if and when she finds out, she’ll hate me, and I can’t lose her. I’ve thought about telling her many times, but I don’t know how. Is it even my place to tell her? He’sherdad. It would change everything.
I found out not too long before the night Dean—who is Sterling’s best friend and Ivie’s first love—was attacked in high school at Taylor’s Halloween party. I called my mom out on it. My dad—or who I thought was my dad—left when I was sixteen and barely had anything to do with me once he packed his bags. It’s like a switch flipped and he started hating me. I began searching for answers when Mom refused to give me any. I found my birth certificate and there were two copies. One listed Steve McCree as my father, the other listed Rhett Davis.
Mom finally admitted the truth and it all made sense. My dad found out I wasn’t biologically his child. He got into a huge fight with Mom, then he was arrested and once his punishment was over, he left. Part of me understands the betrayal he must’ve felt, the other part of me, who once loved him more than anything, thinks he’s the most selfish bastard on the planet for leaving me.Ididn’t betray him. He raised me—he was supposed to love me.He was my dad. Blood doesn’t change facts. I angrily swipe the tear daring to fall thinking about the man who first broke my heart and because of him, I don’t know how I can ever trust another man again. Not with my heart anyway.
It shouldn’t matter that I’m not his blood, he was my hero, and he was my first love the way dads are for their little girls. He treated me like I was the sun and the moon in his eyes. Then poof, I’m not his daughter anymore. I wasn’t good enough to love because I don’t share his DNA. How am I supposed to trust any man, ever again?
My entire life has been lies. Nothing but lies.
The man whoismy father didn’t reach out to let me know. The funny thing is, he’s always been in my life, just not in the way a father should be. I guess in a weird way, I’m lucky he’s been in my life at all, even though I didn’t know the truth about who he was. He’s a good man. One day I hope to talk to him about the fact I’m his daughter and find out why he didn’t claim me…Mom said he knew, and that he’s known from the beginning. But that day is not today.
I was off last week for Thanksgiving. I work in marketing at a bank over in Franklin. It’s about forty minutes from home. I love working there but I stay here for my mom,and my father is here, and my sister.That’s when I met Tate, Thanksgiving weekend. I should’ve said no. I should’ve stayed home. I was too excited about spending time with Ivie again, I didn’t think it through. I lied to Taylor.
He’s my other secret, perhaps the darkest and most damning. He has controlled what’s left of my life since we graduated high school. His family is one of the most prominent families in Greendale Valley. They used to own the old hospital until Greendale Med bought them out and built an entirely new, more efficient hospital. They donate frequently to the new hospital, so much, they have a few wings named after them.
They’re one of those families who are from old money. No matter what they do, they come out smelling like roses and shining like new pennies. I made a huge mistake getting involved with Taylor, because now I can’t get away from him. He thinks I belong to him and frequently reminds me of his belief.
I roll up my sleeve and see the bruises; these are starting to fade from where he grabbed me last. I lift my shirt and gaze at the bruise across my ribs. It still hurts to touch.It almost hurts to breathe. It was my punishment for going out with Ivie and being in another man’s arms—Tate’s arms. Taylor was waiting for me when I got home the next morning.
I don’t know when things changed with him. He was so sweet, and charming, and handsome. Little by little he began to control me, until I was in so deep, I couldn’t get out, and when I tried, I paid for it.
He’s still out there screwing around with other women, a fact he doesn’t hide. When he first started sleeping around, I tried to break away from him. I couldn’t go to work for a week after that night. Then he apologized and swore he’d never do it again, he’d never cheat on me, or hit me again. Obviously, I didn’t believe him.
Now he blatantly parades other women around for me and all to see. Not one person questions whether or not he’s sleeping with those women. It’s very clear he is. I see the pity in people’s eyes when they see me.Poor Lucy can’t do any better. Poor Lucy must not know. Poor Lucy has issues from her daddy leaving, so she lets him do anything to keep him.
I know they think all those things and more, but I’m sure they couldn’t guess the truth. Why would they? He’s the golden boy and I’m sure they assume I stay tangled up with him because of the money too. Such a sick joke. No amount of money could keep me in this situation.
I wish I could get away from him. I want my life back—whatever that means. I have my mom and Ivie. I have my job. Maybe one day I could have more if I could only get free from him.
Fear crushes me almost daily now though because he’s become increasingly more possessive, showing up wherever I am. It’s like he’s watching my every move. He’s been talking about marriage too. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever marry him.
I wish I could tell Ivie, or someone, but I’m utterly and devastatingly alone with this. I’m so afraid no one can help me, and even more terrified they would get hurt if they tried. He’s too powerful.
I finish getting ready for bed, glancing at the gold dress I’m wearing tomorrow for Rhett’s surprise retirement party. It’s hanging on my closet door. I finger the material, dreading having to go, but knowing I will be there for Ivie. She almost begged me to come. And if I’m being honest, I’d like to see Rhett too. I still want to work up the courage to talk to him at some point. Maybe the more I’m around him, the easier it will be.
I turn out the lights and slide under the covers, then I hear it—the sound of a key in my front door. I hold my breath as my heart speeds up. It’s been a few days since he’s come around, but there’s no mistaking he’s here now.
Istare at my bedroom door as I hear his heavy footsteps draw closer. He opens it and walks in. “Hey princess, I hope you’re ready for me. It’s been long enough,” he says seductively.
Tears start to fall down my face. I don’t say a word.
“Hey, did you hear me? I asked you a question and you better answer me,” he slurs. I squeeze my eyes shut.He’s drunk.
He flips on the light, and I shrink inside myself. He starts moving toward me on the bed and rips the covers off so he can see me. He’s never forced himself on me but by the wild expression in his eyes, I’m afraid that’s exactly what he’s about to do.
“I’m trying to sleep, Taylor, please,” I plead with him. He’s on me in an instant, grabbing a fist full of my hair and pulls it back so hard I yelp. He hovers right over my face so he can look me in the eyes.
“Lucy, what part ofyou’re minedon’t you get? I came here to have sex with my girlfriend and that’s what I’m going to do.” He grabs the collar of my T-shirt and rips it down the middle, baring my breasts to him. He immediately palms one and starts to slide his other hand down to my panties.
I start to cry and shake. He shifts his focus back up at me and smacks me across the face so hard I see stars. “Why are you crying, you slut? You know you want this. I could tell you wanted to give it to the guy you were with at the bar the other night. What’s his name? Tate?”