Page 37 of Draco
Yeah, Cairo and I are in deep shit with all the men of the MC, as is Dog. However, I doubt that Draco is going to take his frustrations out on his dad in the ring. Cairo and I are a different story. We are going to hurt for the next week or so. I can’t say that I’m sorry though. The women had a good plan, and they were only ever in a little bit of danger, but I knew if they stuck together they would be fine. They could all fight and they knew their weapons. Plus, they took muscle with them.
Hawk was pissed at both me and Avy, but only because neither of us had told him what was going on. Like he’d said when he’d punched me so hard I’d felt my tooth loosen, “You’re my best friend, you prick, she’s my woman. I’d have come with you.”
I’d known that. But as loyal as I was to my brothers, I was just as loyal to the women in my family. They had come and asked me for help so I’d helped because if I hadn’t, they would have still gone ahead with their plan and that, I wasn’t going to have. Plus, I wasn’t a snitch, and they knew that.
It was three days after the cocktail party that the women had crashed, and Rupert and his buddy Elliot were looking a little worse for wear after the chats we’d had.
We were lucky enough that they hadn’t yet made much in roads into the villages and towns around us. Their first mistake was not doing research on the properties they targeted.
Lazy fucks.
And their second, who they’d decided to target first.
Like I said,LAZY.
“What are we going to do with them?” Reaper asked, his head tilted as he looks at our guests that are hanging up from the meat hooks in the abattoir. We’d washed them down, so they were reasonably clean but covered in bruises.
“I mean we can disappear them to the pigs, but they are both pretty high profile-dudes, so they are going to be missed,” Bond muses.
I heave a sigh as I get up from the bucket I’ve been sitting on, my ribs protesting at the movement.
“How about this, that yacht they mentioned? Let’s get them on that and I can take them out to sea. I’ll take diving gear with and create a hole in it so it starts taking on water, do a sort of mayday call and when it’s just about down I’ll swim back to shore. Simple enough.”
My brothers stand around looking at me incredulously. Dragon is the first to break the silence, “First, how is that simple enough? You need an ID to get into where those boats are docked. Then how do we get the bodies on board, never mind sailing a fucking yacht?”
I hold up my hand, “First of all, I have a way to get into where the yachts are docked. Second, I can sail a yacht. I learned when I was sixteen. But I will need to take Bond with me as he’s the only one that could possibly blend in where we are going.” I look at my Pres, “You know I’m the one for this Reaper.”
Reaper studies me long and hard, “Okay, brother. Gather what you need and you and Bond head out tonight and get it done. Dragon and I will follow and wait up in the local town. If you need us …. Call.”
With a nod of my head in acknowledgement, I turn on my heel and call Bond to come with me. I head to my cottage to pick up diving gear. Luckily, I have a spare for Bond and two big duffle bags, big enough to hide a body in and carry on board a yacht with no-one being the wiser.
It’s three in the morning when Bond and I make our way back to shore, tired from the swim. We weren’t unfit, but swimming in the ocean uses a whole different set of muscles to those we’ve been using. The whole operation had gone as smooth as silk and both the twatwaffles were at the bottom of the ocean and not capable of hurting anyone else in their endeavour to get rich off the backs of others.
Taking my phone out of the waterproof bag I’d shoved down my wetsuit, I put a call into Reaper that we were okay and, on our way, back to our vehicle. I’d have Bond call him as soon as we were on our way, and we’d meet up with them for the drive home.
Slapping my younger brother on the shoulder, “Successful night, brother. Let’s get back to the vehicle and into dry clothes, grab a coffee, and get home in time for breakfast.”
Bond slicks his hair back and grins at me, “Sounds like a plan. Thanks for a fun night out. Let’s not do it again anytime soon.”
I bark out a stifled laugh at his comment.
Twenty minutes later, we are in our vehicle dressed in dry clothes and on our way home.
The next morning on the news, the headlines were that the bodies of prominent businessmen Rupert Badger and Elliot Anders had tragically perished in a boating accident. Their next of kin had been notified.
And that was that. Badger Brewery was closed down and the property sold on by whoever had inherited his estate to pay off his astronomical debts. It seemed that both men like to live above their means. I was happy because I’d got to use my sailing skills again.
I wondered if the ladies of the MC would like a trip on a yacht. I had money sitting in the bank, maybe I’d buy one and take them for a sale.
Yep, definitely something to think about.