Page 59 of There I Find Peace
Maybe she just hadn’t had a bad enough husband. But Jubilee kept that thought to herself.
She gave Kristin a look of sympathy, but she didn’t see how she could help her any more. She shrugged her shoulders, lifted her hand, and Kristin shook her head, saying that it was okay.
Heather and Joyce were arguing about whether it was better to marry a man who was older than they were or younger. Alma, who’d only been married twice, both to men who were much younger than she was, thought that her way was correct.
That was probably typical. People thought that whatever way they did things was the best way to do them.
Jubilee hoped that she wasn’t that kind of person when she got older. That she would have the grace to be able to admit that just because she did it didn’t make it the best.
As she was thinking that, her eyes scanned the crowd. They made their way to the table where they would put the pasta salad as her gaze caught on a familiar figure.
Matt. He was engaged in conversation with someone who looked very much like him, and Jubilee figured it must be one of his brothers.
“Now there’s a handsome fella,” Heather said, pointing in Matt’s direction.
“Gram. Please don’t,” Kristin said.
“If you’re talking about the dark-haired one, he’s taken,” Jubilee said, hoping that they weren’t overheard. The very least she could do would be to defend her friend from her matchmaking gram.
“The dark-haired one? He’s a handsome one,” Heather said, then she cast her shrewd eyes on Jubilee. “Who is he taken by?”
“Me,” she said with a grin and noted that Kristin’s eyebrows shot up.
As soon as Heather looked away, Jubilee caught Kristin’s gaze and winked. Kristin’s mouth formed an O, and she nodded. Great. She understood that Jubilee was just trying to save her from her grandma matching her up.
“You know, maybe we should be looking for a husband for you,” Jubilee said to Heather, lifting her brows at Kristin, as though asking whether that might be something that they could do to get her gram’s attention off Kristin.
Kristin jumped on that immediately and pointed out the two eligible men who were semi-close to Heather in age.
The conversation went from there, and Jubilee felt like she had done her friend a favor.
Chapter 20
“Is that her?” Lukeasked, nodding his head toward Jubilee.
Jubilee stood with Kristin, who lived with her grandmother and her grandmother’s two friends on Main Street in Strawberry Sands. But Luke knew Kristin, so he had to be talking about Jubilee.