Page 9 of There I Find Peace
“I’m bigger than you are, and I’m stronger. I should put those muscles to use.”
She just laughed and shook her head. She could argue with him about it, but they both had legitimate points.
“I’ll let you lead the way, since you know which room your mom was talking about.”
He gave her a look that said he was letting her win, which caused her to shrug and give him a smirky smile that said she knew she could rub it in but she was choosing not to.
There was so much about Matt that she liked, and it was surprising how comfortable she felt with him. Especially considering what she’d just been through with her ex. She needed to be careful.
Chapter 4
“Do you think she’dlike a job here?” Lana settled on the porch swing that evening.
Matt had gone after Jubilee’s car with his brother Luke. They’d filled it up with gas and brought it back. Luke had stayed along with Matt and Sunday, her daughter who lived the closest. The three of them were on the porch with her now.
“Jubilee?” Matt’s voice came out of the darkness from where he stood leaning against the porch post, looking out toward the horizon and the lake that shimmered with moonlight.
“Yes,” Lana said, thinking that it was obvious, but maybe Matt just wanted to be sure. Or maybe he was thinking about something else. His daughter was set to arrive soon. Maybe he was thinking about that. It was hard to tell, and Lana tried to stop worrying about it. Matt’s life was his, and if he wanted help with that, he could ask.
“I think she’s a godsend. You needed someone, and there she is,” Sunday said from her position beside Lana on the porch swing. Sunday had just come back to Strawberry Sands and was working on breeding warmbloods. It had been her dream all of her life, although she’d gotten sidetracked with a few things. She was back on track now.
“I say Sunday’s right,” Luke’s voice came from the step where he sat with his arm resting on his leg, his dog at his feet. He didn’t go anywhere without Rocky.
“All right. I don’t think we necessarily have to take a family vote on it. After all, it’s mostly up to me. Since the bed-and-breakfast is pretty much my baby. But you guys give me a hand, and I didn’t want to disrespect anyone by not talking to you about it first.” She mostly wanted to know Matt’s opinion. He seemed...not taken exactly with Jubilee, but...interested.
Maybe that was just her mother’s heart hoping that her son would finally find someone he could settle down and be happy with.
“Mom, you don’t have to ask us. We’ll give you a hand no matter what you do. We just want you to be happy. After what you went through with Dad, you deserve it.”
“I don’t deserve anything but hell. Although, I do appreciate you saying so. That’s sweet.” She wanted to be clear about that. She didn’t walk around thinking that because her husband had cheated and left her, and taken as much as he could from her, and still made her life miserable on occasion, it meant that she deserved anything more than anyone else. God expected her to take whatever He had given her in this life and make the best of it.
Of course, she reminded herself over and over again that she had chosen her husband. No one had forced her to marry him. She had no idea that he wasn’t going to be a man of his word. That he was going to lie and break promises and cheat, but that didn’t change the fact that he had been her choice.
Matt grunted. “I will feel better if you have someone here. Last summer, you worked yourself ragged, and the bed-and-breakfast wasn’t even that full.”
“Strawberry Sands is growing. New people are coming into town as Blueberry Beach gets bigger and bigger. With the riding stable and now the diner, especially with Griff’s strawberry creations, there are a lot of things happening here that weren’t happening last year. I agree with Matt. You need the help.” Luke was quieter, the steady brother. To have his vote of confidence meant a lot to her.