Page 12 of Faithful Rhythm
Imust be out of my mind. How else do I explain what I did last night? After Onyx sang for me, I actually invited him to watch me practice my solo. He saw me spin, my jumps, the attitude I give, usually reserved solely for the mirror, and then he saw where my brain stalls out. We’re both stuck in our craft. The only difference is, once I heard him sing, I started to envision the movement of a few steps, a total eight count that would go perfectly with my routine. I would die of embarrassment if he knew. I don’t want him to think I used him. Last night was incredible. Being able to see Onyx in his element, creating lyrics, my heart fluttered in my chest. Of course I invited him to watch me and I would again. I liked having his eyes on me. Then I lied to Corey that I didn't need a ride home. I’m a terrible friend for doing it, but I wasn’t ready to leave Onyx’s presence. Not that my mom was home waiting for me anyways. So I stole time to be with the guy who continuously fascinates me.
I didn’t know what I expected. You hear someone famous is going to attend your school and expect them to be snobbish or full of themselves. Onyx is the exact opposite. I watched him. I observed how he was in class, in the hallways, at lunch. Not once did he act like he was better than anyone. He doesn’t show off his wealth or his position of authority with his family. Not that anyone could forget. He doesn’t wear flashy brand clothing or drive an expensive car, even though he could. All I ever see him wear is jeans, usually with rips in them and baggy t-shirts. The car he drove me home in was new, but a far cry from the sporty expensive cars you see in music videos.
Guys are already starting to line up, wanting his approval, and girls are pushing their chests into his arm whenever they stand by him. It was bound to happen, I guess, yet nothing phases him. I was nervous for Onyx to know how much I admire his music, but he took it as a real compliment. He didn’t accuse me of being a fan or a groupie. We left the building together, and I thought we would separate at the parking lot, each of us going our own ways, but he surprised me and offered me a ride home. No one comes to my home. I’ve never accepted a ride from anyone else other than Corey or Harper. When I can, I take my own car, but it so happened my mom needed it last night instead. It felt like a million eyes were on me last night, staring, when he dropped me off outside my building, which is stupid because all the windows were dark.
This morning, I picked up Harper and I still haven’t been able to tell her what happened. Part of me wants to guard it like a precious secret, while the other part doesn’t believe it was real. I’m not one for attention and I usually try to avoid it. Something tells me if Harper finds out, she's going to want to dissect what happened instead of leaving it as a wonderful memory that I can hold onto forever.
Once I park, my eyes scan the lot, now that I know what vehicle he drives. My heart sinks a little when I don’t see the little blue car.
“Looking for your guy?” Harper peers at me, a hint of a smile on her lips, but I see the hurt in her eyes.
“How did you—”
“I saw him drop you off last night.” She shrugs and grabs for the strap of her backpack, hoisting it off the floor and onto her lap. “And damn girl, he is hot as fuck. I want all the details.”
My hand rubs across my forehead and I fight to keep the stain of a blush off my cheeks. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you yet.” I exhale, my worries creeping in. “I’m not sure it actually meant anything. He sang for me. I danced for him. Then he drove me home. That’s it.”
Her mouth pops open. “He sang for you?”
“Did you not hear me?” I laugh at the look of awe and shock on her face.
“Yeah, I heard. He didn’t kiss you or make a move, but he sang to you. Isn’t that like giving you an audible orgasm? You love his music.”
“Shhh,” I cover her mouth lightly, “he knows. But I don’t want him to think I’m a groupie or something. He’s still a person, even if he is famous and talented beyond belief.”
Harper’s smile is Cheshire big, with a hint of wickedness in her eyes. “You like him!”
“Ooohh! You really like him.” She claps her hands together. “I am so damn proud of you. For as long as I’ve known you, Jade Lennon, you have never given any guy the time of day. Then Onyx, the Kid, Kiddrick rides into town and he manages to get behind your walls in a single night. The dude is impressive.”
“Can you stop?” I don’t even care that I’m begging her. My cheeks hurt from smiling and butterflies erupt in my stomach from her words. I have a crush on him. I have since I bumped into him outside the studio. Now I know who he is and what his music means to me. Then he opened his gorgeous mouth and sang for me. I’m a goner. Harper is right; I’ve never had a crush on anyone. I don’t even know my own feelings.
“Okay, okay,” she settles down, and takes a deep breath, “in all seriousness, I’m excited for you. I’m not sure how Corey is going to handle it, but I’m all for this thing between you and Mr. Sexy Rap God.”
I laugh with her until the tension leaves my shoulders. “There isn’t anything going on. It could have been a fluke of a night. There isn’t anything for Corey to worry about.” I roll my eyes at the last part.
“Jade, he drove you home. You could have gone your separate ways, but no, he drove you. And I’m sorry but I heard the little nickname he dropped on you the other day. We all did. I thought Corey was going to stroke out and sign his death warrant by popping Onyx in the face.” She scoffs.
“Corey is just protective. You know this.” I shrug and the corner of my lips tilt up.
“Yeah.” Harper nods and glances out toward the school. “That's what it is,” she mumbles, but I hear her. I hear more than what she means. I know because she isn’t the first one to think or say it. But really, it is just him being protective. Since the day he saved me, to the night things got worse with my mom, Corey hasn’t left my side. It's why we’re best friends, even when no one else gets it.
“We should probably head in,” I finally say to her. Harper groans as we both grab our backpacks. We make the trek inside and down the hallway to our lockers. I find mine and shove my books in easily. Glancing around, I notice the usual mob of people surrounding Corey, including some of the football guys. Gage is one of them and I look over his group of friends, but I do not see Onyx. I’m pretty sure he said he would be at school today. When we left the studio, he didn’t seem overly-tired. I don’t know his schedule though, and for all I know, he may have first period off. I didn’t think he did though.
“What are you thinking so hard about?” Corey’s voice suddenly says from behind me and I jump. He laughs low. “I was saying your name but you were lost in la-la-land.”
“Just thinking.” I shrug, feeling too embarrassed to mention Onyx in front of him. Although I don’t know why. It's not as if I haven’t seen my best friend making out with girls at parties. Sometimes multiple girls in one night.
“Are you ready for class? I’ll walk you,” he volunteers, even though it's usually a given thing he does most days. I wrap my arm around my book and binder and follow along with him. Corey chats easily about his night and makes sure I made it home okay multiple times. My brow quirks after the third time.
“Why are you so worried about it?”
He shrugs, but I see his eyes glance around. “I usually give you a ride on the nights your mom works. I was just wondering how you got home.”