Page 16 of Faithful Rhythm
His question doesn’t surprise me though. It's been assumed by everyone I’ve ever met. Some people get it eventually, like Harper, and some will always have a problem with it. “He doesn’t. And even if that was the case, I don’t. He’s my friend.”
“How did you two become friends?” Onyx questions, but I don’t hear any judgment in his voice, only curiosity. So I tell him.
“He saved me. There was an issue with my mom and her old boss. That man’s kid was embarrassed by his dad and tried to attack me with his friends after school. Corey showed up and scared the kid away.” I feel my shoulders curve in, the next part makes me feel more vulnerable. Telling this to Onyx is a form of trust. If he judges me, I’ll know his friendship or whatever this could be isn’t worth it. “The guy hired someone to attack my mom. Since that night, she hasn’t been the same. I saw her. I heard her crying. She leaves me alone a lot, so I usually have Harper or Corey or both of them at my house because I hate the silence.”
I lift my eyes and the intensity in Onyx’s burns me. He looks angry. Angry for me. Angry that happened to my family. There is a softness in his eyes, too, but it's not pity. He reaches across the table and slowly takes my hand in his. I can see the ink smudges on his fingers as they wrap softly but firmly around mine. He helps me get up from the table and moves until he’s standing in front of me. My head tilts back and my chin lifts so I can see him clearly. I can’t look away, even if I wanted to. Before I even blink, his arms slide around me. One at my back, pulling my body into his and the other curves around my neck and head. His hand cradles my head to his chest. My knees want to give out from the contact. I never want to move from this spot. Onyx’s heart beats strongly under my cheek, while I inhale his delicious smell and relax into him. My own arms snake around his back, keeping us locked together.
“Jade,” he says my name and the smooth way he says it sends goosebumps over my skin. I pull back and his hands unwrap from my shoulders, only to cradle my face instead. Our eyes meet. His are midnight black, the lights from the street reflecting in them. My hands remain around his back, refusing to budge. I grip the material of his sweater between my fingers.
His fingers trace over the edges of my face, slightly brushing the little hairs out of my face. His thumb brushes across my full bottom lip. His breath is heated against my cooler skin, the contrast causing another shiver to break over my body. My feet shuffle closer to him, to his body, where it's warm and safe.
“Onyx.” His name passes my lips.
“Are you available then? Can I kiss you?”
He waits.
I pull him closer, my feet stepping into the space between his. “You’ll leave once you finish your record,” I state, not asking because it's what I’ve been told by Corey and Onyx since the beginning.
“I need to finish school, so I could stay.” The expression on his face becomes serious, his eyes darkening further. His words feel like a promise and I hate that I want them to be. I like him. I don’t want to be just a girl he met and kissed before blowing back out of town.
“Won’t your grandfather be mad?” I hate the hesitant way the words come out of my mouth. I wish I could be as sure as him.
“He’ll do what I want as long as in the end he also gets what he wants,” he states and the impact of those words send shockwaves through my soul. He’s stuck no matter what.
I lift onto my toes, bringing my lips an inch from his. “I am available. There is no one else.”
A storm rages in his eyes, while he waits for my next move. My words have shocked him slightly. His cheeks flush and I note the way his heart pounds faster against his chest, almost in rhythm with mine. He leans in. My core tightens. I press against him.
“Yes,” I manage to breathe out, “please kiss me.” That was all he needed.
Onyx’s hands curve around my face, gripping me, holding me closer, his lips taking over with a confident, thorough kiss. My first. I moan into his mouth, allowing his tongue to dive inside, swooping and tasting me, encouraging mine to dance with his. I give him what he wants and I enjoy the groan that builds in his throat. I grip him even tighter, practically forcing our bodies to mold together until there is no telling where he ends and I begin. His hands slide into my hair, pulling slightly, and I gasp lightly.
“Perfect.” He moans, and then his lips are on my jawline, teasing, before brushing the sensitive skin on my neck and sucking. He is perfect. Warmth and wetness instantly flood my core and heat spreads throughout my body. My eyes pop open, only to find he’s already looking at me, watching, gauging what I like. His gaze is heated and full of promises.
“Onyx.” My voice is husky and unrecognizable to my own ears. He pulls back slightly, glancing around us, making sure we’re safe from prying eyes. I duck my head against him and he resituates my body against his, keeping me blocked.
Onyx leans down and presses another kiss to the crown of my head. “As much as I want to kiss you again, the ice cream parlor just closed. We should get out of here.”
My skin flushes again, which I’m not even sure is possible, and I duck my head against him, letting him drag me behind him and back to the main street. He pulls out his phone and sends a quick text to someone.
“You can’t take it back, you know.” He glances at me finally. My eyes widen, surprised by the authority lacing his words. “You let me kiss you, and I like you, Jade. I thought maybe you knew from how obsessed I have been about you these past few weeks, but now you know. I like you.”
“I like you too,” I manage to get the words out without stumbling. His lips curve up and he moves to stand in front of me. “You’re with me now.”
He drops a quick kiss to my lips, right as the sound of an engine moves closer to us. Only once the car stops by the sidewalk does Onyx move to my side again. His cousin gets out of the driver's side and holds his hand out to me.
“I can take your car back for you.”
“Are you sure?” My brow lifts, feeling bad to put him out.
Terrance looks at Onyx and then back to me. “It's not a problem.”
I take my keys out and let them drop into Terrance’s hand. He and Onyx nod at each other before Terrance walks away in the direction of Patti Tango’s.
“Hop in,” Onyx holds the passenger door open for me, his hand at my back, guiding me into the seat.
The drive home with him isn’t new. He’s driven me home all week; yet, this feels different. He said I was with him now. He likes me. I like him. My heart races from the memories and that scorching kiss.