Page 28 of Faithful Rhythm
I shake my head at his dramatics. “It will be fine. She’ll dance to it and then I’ll take it back. I trust her.” If I can even get her to dance to it.
Jade has been diligent in her routine for months. There is a very good chance she’ll shoot down this song. I hope not though. I need her to hear it. Every lyric and sentence is about her. It’s her song. I want her to know how I feel about her.
After the beginning of the year, it started to feel like a timer was ticking away in the background. Jade feels it too, I can tell. Every time we’re together lately, we’re more desperate for each other. I hate leaving her. I won’t even skip school these days and record into the early hours, just to have as much time with her as possible. The beginning of the year signaled that there are five months left until I graduate. Five months until I’m supposed to walk away, my goal accomplished, hand over my music to labels, and pray one of them takes it, so I can be free of the family business. I’m being called back to the fold. I refuse to leave Jade though.
“I’m heading out.” Terrance grabs his bag and pops gum into his mouth. “Good luck. Hopefully you can convince her.”
“I’m not worried.” I smirk at him. Terrance shakes his head but keeps moving to the exit, while I take the stairs to where my girl is.
As always, I follow the bass through the dark and empty studio until I reach the door Jade is practicing behind. I walk in, trying my best not to distract her, so I can watch her in her element. She glistens with sweat. Her long hair is piled in a high ponytail on top of her head, her black sweats ride low on her hips and the cut-off t-shirt she wears is a second skin from how damp it is. Jade’s cheeks are tinged pink. She looks tired, but like me, she keeps going.
She hops on her toes and her hips seductively gyrate at the mirror before her torso bends forward and she slips into another move. I can’t keep my eyes off her. They follow her around the room, taking in every leap in the air and dizzying spin she completes. The smiles and smirks never fall off her lips. She is the perfect performer.
New lyrics form in my mind, the beat starts to create itself just from being near her. I could probably cut another record just from watching her practice with all the endless song ideas. I never want to leave her. I do not want to lose the creative magic we both pull from each other.
“Kid!” she shouts and my head jumps up, confused for a second.
Jade is laughing, her hands resting on her thighs. “What were you thinking about? I called your name five times.”
I walk over to the stereo and stop her music. Jade’s brow rises while she watches me. I put my CD in the player and hit pause. “I made something,” I tell her before walking her way.
Jade’s eyes light up with excitement. “Can I listen to it?”
I rest my hands on her shoulders and lean in to place a kiss on the sweaty crown of her head. “You can do more than that. I want you to dance to it, Star.”
I pull back and catch her gaze with mine. Her beautiful green eyes widen in surprise.
“Of course I’ll dance to it.”
“Nah.” I shake my head, one of my arms sliding around her back. I use my free hand to tip her jaw up for another kiss. Jade kisses me back, slowly, lazily, our lips skimming over each other, creating hunger. “For the Classic. I want you to use my song and create a masterpiece solo with it.”
“I know it’s soon, but you can do it. You’re the best dancer I’ve ever seen, Jade. You can master a piece of music in a day, create a new routine in less than a week. You’re gifted.”
Her eyes bounce around my face. “Why? Did you create that just for me? I don’t know if I could do that, Onyx. What if I mess up? I could ruin everything for you.”
“It’s not for me. There is nothing you could mess up. No one has heard this song and they won’t, except for at the Classic and your other auditions. I want to see you dance to my music. Do this for me, please.” I whisper please against her lips before taking them in a hard kiss.
“Play it for me,” she answers, breathless from our kiss.
I don’t waste any time. Striding back over to the stereo, I press play.
The intro opens and builds. My eyes stay focused on Jade as she finds the rhythm. Her eyes gloss over, while she zones out during the first verse. I hold my breath and watch her start to fit moves to the second verse, the chorus, and she finally goes for it by the hook. The whole song plays out, but I still watch her.
Jade’s head whips over to me, her lips pulled into a smile. “Play it again.”
I follow her lead and hit repeat. She goes through the same process, only this time, she is actually dancing. Spinning and finding me each time. My heart races. Heat floods my chest every time my eyes meet hers. She feels it too. My lyrics surround her and there is no way for her to avoid them. We can’t escape.
The song ends for a second time. Her head bows and I take steps toward her until I’m within reaching distance. Jade lifts her head and tears stream down her cheeks. “Onyx.”
That emotion draws me in. It answers all my fears and obliterates them. I grab her and pull her body into mine. She shudders in my hold, her arms wrapping around my neck.
“I love you,” I tell her, finally able to be honest.
I want her forever.
She can never make me leave.