Page 58 of Faithful Rhythm
I glance up at the ceiling and feel the heat climb up my neck. “Uh, maybe like three days ago.”
“Ohmigod.” Ocean grabs my hand and pulls me over to the stereo. She hands me the headphones and takes my phone. “Listen to it right now. What are you worried about?”
Chewing on my lip, I duck my head. “The last time he made a song for me to dance to, it wasn’t released. But the song was…pretty much his soul’s declaration. I knew I loved him more than anything at that time, then he left.”
“You have a contract for two years. He isn’t leaving, Jade. The man is obsessed with you. Spyder and Conrad are terrified he’s going to beat them if they even breathe wrong in your direction. You have to listen to it. You owe it to yourself and to him.”
My fingers take the headphones, shaking while I place them over my ears. Ocean sets up the song and I am wholly unprepared when the lyrics start. My eyes sting. My chest explodes with emotion, so much that I use my hand to rub at it, easing the ache. It’s not exactly romantic, but it is poetic, soulful, demanding, passionate, Onyx.
I rip the headphones off and bring my hands to my eyes, wiping away the tears. “I can’t do this. I can’t be here.”
“What? What's wrong? Is it bad?” Ocean’s eyes fill with concern and she reaches for me. “What does it say?”
“He loves me.” I gasp out in pain, those words slicing open my insides.
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
I shake my head and start grabbing my things. “I need to leave. I can’t be here. I need to think.”
“Jade.” Ocean’s voice trails off when I hold up my hand to ask her to let it go.
“You don’t understand.” My words choke in my throat. “Giving him my heart again is scarier than free falling from this rope.” My hand gestures to the fabrics.
“Do we need James?” Ocean’s face starts lighting up with a smile. “I could use a getaway.”
I nod and gesture to her phone before grabbing my own. “You get that set up and I’ll call Mia. She probably needs a break too. Moms get breaks, right?”
Oceans shrugs, but she's on the phone telling James to have the plane ready. I grab absolutely nothing else. I want to cause as little disturbance as possible on my escape out of here.
“Hello?” Mia answers the phone and I hear a cooing on her end.
My face softens and instantly so does my tone. “Mia. I need to leave. James is readying the plane.”
“What happened?” She sounds worried and I know I’m being stupid.
“He loves me,” I mumble and I hear silence from her. There is a murmuring of voices, but I distinctly hear Zander tell her she should go.
“Are you sure?” she says, but it’s not directed at me. They talk more, and I wait, feeling like time is slipping away while I do. “Okay. I can be ready in about half an hour. Just the beach, right?”
“Yes,” I manage to get out, but it sounds like a choked sob instead. Mia hangs up and Ocean and I are on the move.
We sneak out the back doors and take Ocean’s car to the airfield. On a last thought, I turn my phone off.
“Oh, good idea,” Ocean says and does the same. I can only guess she needs the escape as much as I do.
We’re walking to the runway when Mia’s car pulls up and she jumps out with a bag in hand and a smile on her face. We embrace and climb the stairs to the waiting plane. It's not until we’re sailing smoothly through the clouds, do I finally breathe again.
“So he loves you,” Mia asks and takes a drink of her champagne. Ocean steals sips of her own, her eyes following us as we talk. “Onyx. Onyx said the words.”
My shoulders hunch. “Not exactly. It’s in the song.”
“This bonus track I’ve been hearing about?”
“Yup,” Ocean says, popping the ‘p’ loudly, but I blame that on the champagne.
“Do you love him?” Mia reaches out her hand and gently lays it on my arm.
My brain spins and my mouth wants to deny, deny, deny. My heart beats steady though. It knows I’m lying and is protesting. “Yes.”