Page 7 of Faithful Rhythm

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Page 7 of Faithful Rhythm



16 years old

Nothing irritates me more right now than the text I got from Harper saying that Corey is drunk again and wants us to pick him up from the party he’s at.

Harper: It’s at Corrine’s in the cornfield.

Her next text back just changed my mind. I'm even more irritated by this news. I don’t know what's been going on with Corey. Summer break was one thing to let loose during, but we’re literally about to start school tomorrow and he’s been day drinking with his friends all day. Worse, I’m scared that his partying is going to interfere with basketball. Lately, he’s been reckless. The rumors of his association with Rip Martel are getting worse; Corey’s name is almost like a scared whisper to most now. Rip is the boogie man to the people on the wealthier side of town. You don’t want to be on his bad side and you don’t want to owe him money. He never goes out and he keeps his circle tight, and somehow, he has managed to snare my best friend. Corey says their involvement is all about protection for our side of town and the people in it, but I’ve heard how Rip once broke a man’s hand over a baggie of weed.

I’m worried about him. I’ve always thought of Corey as a protector, my best friend, the one I go to for assistance. He’s helped me pick up the pieces of my life. It's been three years since my mom’s attack, a night that changed our lives completely. No justice ever came from it and as far as I know, she never went to the police to report what happened. She doesn’t talk about it, not that I expect her to, but she hasn't gotten any help either. She told me everything would be okay, but it hasn’t. Her extra hours at the diner were a joke. All she does is work. When she isn’t working, she’s nonexistent at home. She doesn’t leave her room, and when she does, it's to take a walk. Walks that last all day, and walks that I’m not allowed to join her on. It’s almost as if being home with just me allows her too much time to think. I can’t imagine the pain she was in that night or the thoughts she carries around now, so I say nothing. I keep silent and I don’t push because I don’t know what else to do. We communicate mostly with written notes on her work schedules that are tapped to the fridge. Sometimes she leaves money on the kitchen table. With her gone all the time I’m scared to be home alone. Corey practically lives at my house most nights and if he has business, then Harper stays with me. I know they’re worried, that night completely shook me. I never thought I would see my mom in that situation. I never thought she would fall apart.

I wouldn’t be surviving without Corey. He pushed me to keep going after my dream, even though my home life was falling apart. He encouraged me to talk to Patti to see how I could help pay some of my studio fees to ease my mom’s burden. He doesn’t judge me for the feelings I have about my mom, or that I can’t stand being in the apartment alone. I owe him, so I’ll do whatever it takes to help. I can’t let him mess up his life. I don’t want him to end up in the wrong crowd, or worse, dead. Basketball is Corey’s dream and all it would take is one time getting busted for underage drinking or drugs and he would be thrown off the team.

ME:I’m on my way.

I text Harper back, thankful that she decided to go to the party and found Corey before it was too late. My eyes wildly search the dance studio for my bag. I’m already ripping the tape from my hands and stepping on the backs of my slippers to toe them off. I shove my shoes, the tape and my leg warmers in my bag before pulling my sweatpants on over my tights and shorts. My tank top goes over my spaghetti-strap leotard and I shove my feet in my slip-on Vans.

I grab my key ring from the bag before zipping it up and barely get the studio lights off before frantically locking the door. I practically live at the studio and was thankful when Patti trusted me with a set of master keys. In exchange, I clean the studio on the weekends, and she looks the other way when I turn in my money late every month. Corey says it's because I’m her best dancer and Harper tends to agree. Patti's been saving me brochures for colleges with dance programs even. I’m seriously considering it, mostly just to get out of this town and see the world. That's my second dream. Dancing and traveling the world. Harper is all in. Corey encourages me, but anytime I talk about leaving, he gets this faraway look in his eyes. I always remind him he’ll leave before me anyways; he’s a senior this year and I’m only a junior. My seventeenth birthday is two months away, but it feels like forever.

My Vans skid on the pavement when I remember I forgot to lock the gate. I quickly jog around the side, reaching for the gate, but instead collide with a solid wall of muscle covered in a black t-shirt. I literally bounce backward, the air leaving my lungs in a gust. My defenses slide up and my head tilts back to glare at the offending person and tell them off, except my gaze connects with the darkest brown eyes I’ve ever seen, outlined in long black lashes.

Time stops.

The world quits spinning.

Everything in my body becomes hyperaware of this person.

My heart beats wildly against my rib cage.

Life feels caught between day and night, stars expand behind his head of thick black hair, a backward baseball cap sitting on top. He’s a complete stranger to me, but there is a tug in my soul that feels as if we’ve been tied together by fate for lifetimes. I swear his eyes flash with the same recognition, but it’s gone before either of us realize.

“Are you okay?” His voice is deep, raspy, like he's been using it all day, making him sound older, even though he can’t be more than a year older than me. My eyes jump all over his face, his high cheekbones, the pale complexion of his skin, thick, dark brows, where I notice a cut runs through the left side. His lips are full and almost look red against his paleness. I keep staring but then realize he asked me a question. A concerned tone underlays his words, but there’s also a hint of irritation, and that is what finally snaps me back into myself. I’m on my ass on the sidewalk. I ran into him. Literally.

“Shit.” I jump to my feet, my face instantly heating with a flush. Here I am practically daydreaming over this guy and he’s probably in a rush. “I’m s-sorry. I was in a hurry to lock the gate. I wasn’t looking.” My feet shift to make room for him to move past me, but he just angles himself, so he’s in front of me. I’m a little taller than average for a girl. But even my 5’8” frame feels small compared to him. He’s at least a head taller than me, his shoulders broader than any high school boys I know.

“It’s okay, Little Star, I don’t break easily.” Those plush lips curve and goosebumps rise over my skin.Little Star.I don’t know why, but I don’t hate the nickname.

“Thanks,” I mumble, suddenly feeling shy, and move to step around him again toward the gate. He spins with me so now he’s to my back.

“If you want, I can lock the gate for Ms. Patti. We’ve been using the recording equipment in the basement all week.” He gestures over his shoulder, and for the first time, I realize someone else has been here the whole time. Another guy, close to his age probably, and they look a little alike, so chances are they’re related. He’s staring at me with curiosity in his eyes. My cheeks flame red again.

“That’s okay, I have the—”

“Key?” He inquires and holds up his own set of keys that I recognize as Patti’s. “Ms. Patti gave us a set since we’re here at weird hours. If you have to get going, I can lock up.”

I blink at him, while he looks at me, a small smile playing around the corners of his mouth, as if he’s teasing me or just enjoying the flustered state I’m in. “Okay, sure,” I tell him, stepping back again, so maybe if I’m not breathing in his intoxicating scent, my brain will function better. “Thanks.”

He tips his head and a full-blown smile lights up his face. “Aren’t you in a hurry?”

Cheeky. “Yes, yes, I am. Have a good night.” I wave awkwardly and start walking away from the building. A pit of nerves builds in my stomach. My skin tingles everywhere from being in his presence; my life feels completely off-kilter. I can’t believe I fell. I’m embarrassed and I don’t get embarrassed easily. He probably thinks I’m an idiot who can’t even formulate complete sentences. Now I’m really agitated and as much as I love my best friend, I also want to kill him right now.

Corrine’s family farm is one of the largest in our town. It lies on the outskirts of the city and is a hair's-breadth away from the neighboring town. It’s not patrolled by law enforcement as each city's police thinks it’s the other’s jurisdiction. Which is why it makes a great place to party. And the entire school has been partying there pretty much every weekend over the summer. Since Corey likes to go, I’ve been out there a few times, despite my phobia of cornstalks straight out of a horror film. Everything looks peaceful from the main road; the townspeople don’t know how lively and loud it is deep inside the rows. Thankfully my mom let me have the car tonight since she works the overnight shift and can catch the bus in the morning. My car turns down the third dirt road and the evident tracks of four wheelers and dirt bikes start to become visible. Shaking my head and cursing Corey under my breath, I park so my car is practically sideways in the ditch, unable to be seen by passing cars. Trying not to think about the scratchy feeling of the leaves against my skin, feeling like fingers grabbing at me, I plunge into the rows, counting them as I go. It’s the only way I’ll be able to find everyone. After a few minutes, the music and laughter reach my ears. I can pick Corey’s voice out and then his name is being chanted. I’m probably going to commit murder if he’s doing a keg stand right now.

Me: I’m almost there. Tell him to be ready.

Harper: Yeah, like that will work. This is Corey. He needs you.

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